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Still Claiming #AutomaticWin’s [Nov.25.2019]🅰️🏅

It’s been a little while since I dropped a post here on the Steem Blockchain so I figured I would take some time write a new post and take a couple new photos.

At the end of this week I’ll be escaping the cold of Canada for the beaches of Hawaii... and when I’m back... I’ll be back in full force.

Taking some time to decompress and cover off some important things that were making it hard to focus on my efforts here was a necessity... but one starting to miss you all here on the Steem Blockchain! 😁

Anyways! I got up super early this morning and went for a long 4 hour walk. The weather was GREAT so I took advantage of that.

I spotted a really cool graffiti wall the other day... I can’t resist a good graffiti wall so I stopped to snap a few quick pictures.

You know what... sometimes just putting on the breaks can reveal a whole new world... And I don’t want to miss out on it all because I’m flying by at break neck speeds. Life is to be lived in the moments so I’m in the habit of taking the time when it’s needed.

That’s what this graffiti says to me... take time to do what gives you life and don’t be afraid to show the world what it means to be you... right! 🙂

Anyways! I head out to Hawaii on Friday... and I’ll be back in 8 days... after which I’ll be refocusing on all things Steem. I’ll be back in the swing of things!

Speaking of which... Here’s my proof of #AutomaticWin for this mornings walk.

Annnnnd here’s a couple more graffiti pics!


Daily Activity,Walking