My Actifit Report Card: January 27 2020 The Pier

The Pier

The pier that I will share photos of in tonights post has nothing to do with my daily activity for this actifit post, But I was busy most of the day at the office working on getting info I need to complete all the forms required in regard to my retiring, I thought I was good at keeping the files I needed, but have learned that wasn't the case, I was of the misconception I only needed 5 or 10 years of files kept and have most of those stored electronically, my problem is I need them going back 15 years for some things and close to thirty for others so am having a bit of a challenge getting everything together, but am making good progress and am confident I will have it all together in time.

Speaking of in time, I just realized that come tomorrow morning I have one month left of working which caught me a little by surprise seems only a week or so ago it was 3 months to go, I guess time flies when your having fun.

As for my activity today I managed to hit over 10K steps, but no photowalk to start the day as I wanted to get into the office and get printing and photocopying before the office got busy, I did get a few little walks in to and from the office to the train station, out for lunch and between buildings a couple of times today for meetings.

Now onto the pier, I decided as I was preparing this on the train riding home to add some shots of the Pier at Walnut Beach, only because i edited a couple of shots of it over the weekend and because its been a while since i have done an army morning beach walk and as I was walking around the city today I was wishing I was at the beach.

This first shot is a longer exposure of 20 Seconds which gets the flat almost glass like look to the water, if I had done a normal fast exposure you would see the small waves rolling in.

1 1 the Pier3.jpg

Sony A7iii 27mm F20 15 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

As much as I love the view looking at the pier, I also tend to walk under it especially at love tide to get a view like the next shot

1 1 the Pier.jpg

Sony A7iii 21mm F10 1 Sec ISO 100
Click here to view larger

I did take one shot on my lunchtime walk when I got ina. Little over 5K Steps, and saw this truck with the Beer Before Glory Written on it that I had to grab a shot of, Back when I was a beer drinker that would have inspired me to find out what brand it was and pick up a 6 pack to try out.


iPhone 11 Pro
Click here to view larger

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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!steemitworldmap 41.195079 lat -73.078612 long Walnut Beach Milford CT d3scr

Daily Activity,Moving Around Office,Walking

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