my personal life

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These are some portraits of my daily life, working hard in people's gardens for the survival of me and my mother, I who was born from a poor family and no longer has a father have to work here and there in order to reduce the burden of life that I have been living so far. shouldered it myself, since my beloved father died when I was five months old our life was like a boat in the middle of an ocean hit by a storm, maybe this is the fate that I have to live, now I am an adult and know the meaning of life I will try to change the situation as best I can , as much as I can, as much as I can, I will keep trying..
Although sometimes at night I often cry contemplating and remembering my life like this when it changes, feeling tired, feeling sad has become a normal thing in my life, sometimes I can't tell the difference between crying and laughing, everything is so bitter to live,
why am I writing my life journey on the hive blog, I feel that by writing it here at least it can reduce the burden of my mind which has been frozen in my heart and mind, and I also think that the friends on this hive blog are all my friends , so I try to share with you guys about my life so far so crushed and broken, by sharing the story my heart is a little relieved and changes my mood .. thank you for reading, I hope your life is much better than mine,
Greetings to all of you....Uploading Screenshot_20221017-172156.jpg #16

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