My Actifit Report Card and Update: July 15 2019 - A Trip to the Lakes

Hi Everyone,

I had a great morning at the lakes yesterday. I went down to our local lakes with my mum, brother and two dogs (Mango and Ruby). We did a full lap of the two lakes. The lakes looked really great. There was also some wildlife out strutting their stuff. I am really glad I brought my camera with me. I managed to take a few nice photographs which I have compiled and included in this post.

Views of the lake

Ducks out to play

Fun on the water

Crazy legs crane

Beautiful swan

Mum, brother, and dogs

Thank you lake

I think the animals really appreciate a nice summer day.

Walking round the lakes helped me accumulate over 10,000 counts. It was one of the most enjoyable ways of getting some exercise. Posting on actifit is a great added bonus.


I posted about price discrimination a few days ago. The post covered four types of price discrimination. It included examples of each type of price discrimination as well the logic supporting their usage.

Udemy course

My Udemy course, 'Economics is for Everyone' is now available. The course is free for anyone. The course contains 24 videos (almost 4 hours), 64 multiple choice questions, 2 scenario questions and many handouts to download.

The course covers the application of economics to our lives. It looks at some of the basic and important theories. It also explains how you can use economics to improve your life. I will be posting a preview video with a sample of a couple of the course lectures/units.

That's my actifit report and update. I hope you liked my photographs of my local lakes.


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