My Actifit Report Card: March 13 2019

Hi Everyone,

I have been very busy and active over the past 7 days. Today did not standout in particular from the previous days but I managed to get over 10,000 counts; my target number before I post.

As I have mentioned several times, I am packing and leaving Australia to return to the UK. I have only got about 2 weeks to go before I make my permanent departure. I have upped my packing game and should have everything packed by the weekend as well as have all the stuff that is not going ready to be dumped or quickly sold off.

Even with all the packing, I still managed to take my dogs for a walk. They are going to be flying round the world soon, so they could definitely use the walk. I also needed the fresh air. It has been quite a struggle with the heat. Some days the temperature got into the high 30s (Celsius). Storms are forecast for tomorrow. That will be a welcome drop in temperature.

Below is a summary of my activity for the past 7 days.

In other news

As I have been busy packing, I have not prepared any content. I still have a partially complete actifit content post, which will have all the links to my actifit posts. This post will quickly summarise why I use actifit as well as how I have included my Steem updates in these actifit posts/reports.

I am also considering putting together a simple game theory post, which will look at the application of game theory to sports. I will most likely be focusing on transitivity and how it could be and has been applied by the NFL.

Daily Activity, House Chores, Walking

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