My Actifit Report Card: October 20 2018

18K today just for moving around the house and dancing to the music I like. 👍

I guess I got a lot of that just from fidgeting around and shaking my phone and moving my leg up and down while I'm thinking of how to implement the features needed for this dating site on working on. This is a client I've had for several years and they've added specialty dating sites in other languages besides English. I've been adding a custom member search for their Spanish dating site. next I will do the same for their French website.


picture source - pixabay

Sometimes it's hard to test my work on these dating websites because there's usually several people that want to chat with me! They usually start off asking what I'm doing and I tell them I'm the developer for this site and I'm adding a new feature.

Some people then realize I'm not interested in dating them, but other people seem to be attracted to the power I have on the website and they want to talk to me even more!

Somehow I managed to get my work done even with these distractions! 😃😎

As usual, I hope everybody's having a great day and I look forward to your comments! ❤👍❤

Daily Activity, Dancing

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