Republic Ghost(2)

His persistence in justice, indeed, makes him a naive person. Tan is a person who is too straight. However, it is also what makes his dream, which may be impossible, become something worthy of continuous dreaming. Something worthy of being a guide in our political and intellectual life. It should be underlined that this is in these two zones.

The frightening specter only makes jealous of political parties. Tan's mysterious aura also undermined the elite which then gained the reins of Indonesia's post-colonial leadership. They had previously only known Tan Malaka merely from his writings which inspired them to rise up against colonial forces. Suddenly, they met him directly. This caused his figure to become a scourge when in the last years of his life he returned to Indonesia. He was again arrested in 1946 with charges that could not be proved that was to disrupt the situation and act alarmingly. Indeed, if the envy has already dominated the heart then the common sense is lost.


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