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The flies fight the purple

Hi everyone all of my stemian, with no respect to all of you I congratulate on the participation of friends all in this community until now with no need to reduce the spirit to share a thing that may be new to some friends and so sometimes Look familiar also to a person.

But it does not mean that things that are familiar to others are not worth sharing anymore, it is very good in my personal opinion, if a thing continues to be studied so that it will stick in our mind and will be more adept at responding to it, for example Such as asking, criticizing and correcting what is shared.

So on this occasion I will share about one of the pretty good photos, but the next assessment is just in control by you all my friends. While the criticisms of suggestions and comments both spicy and sweet remarks will be graciously received, as they matter to me and will make me learn even harder in capturing images of nature as you see below.