Parents and their kids

Indicator in Acehnesse to know good and bad in where the religious factor is the gauge. For most new individuals who have grown up even those who have passed adulthood, adolescents are the most memorable time in their lives. Memories of adolescence are memories that are not easily forgotten, as good or as bad as they were at that time. While many parents who have teenage children feel that adolescence is a difficult time. Many conflicts faced by parents and teenagers themselves. Parents with primary economic responsibilities while children cannot bear what responsibility.

Parents don't want their children on the negative side. Ready him. The thief doesn't want his son to be a thief. Many parents who still consider their teenagers still need to be protected strictly because in the eyes of parents, their teenagers are still not ready to face the challenges of the adult world. In contrast, for adolescents, internal demands bring them to the desire to seek an independent identity from the influence of parents. Both have clear similarities: adolescence is a critical time before facing life as an adult. A time like we say like a mirror. If it is cleansed, it will benefit and if it falls, the pieces that we can find.


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