Anyang, Jajanan Khas Aceh Saat Ramadhan / Anyang, A Typical Hawker Aceh When Ramadan

One of the local culinary, anyang, being one of the Favorites menu of food communities to break his fast at Ramadan 1439 Hijri in Aceh Singkil, Aceh province. Not surprisingly, almost all traders takjil provide the main food as anyang served to every buyer.

The radar of journalists in Singkil, Saturday (19/5) in the afternoon, each breaking the fast food stalls, the community's favorite specialties Singkil is found with a very affordable price, i.e. Rp 5,000 to Rp 7,000 per pack overlaid with banana leaves

One of the traders takjil, Satimin, stated, this is a savory blend of anyang plant vegetarian called pakkat and simboling or rattan searched young citizens in the wild forest. Culinary this one has always been present and became a favorite with the typical natural vegetarian flavors.

Pakkat and simboling are very familiar to coastal communities and the community watersheds. This is because both plants are vegetarian it is often sold as a companion vegetable vegetables of the region are well known by the name of anyang.

Of the many Iftar menu variety, anyang always appear to the forefront in breaking the menu so that each takjil trader breaking the menu on each side of the town of Singkil never missed serves.

The custom of the people of Aceh Singkil is utilizing plants pakkat and simboling to be consumed directly as a side dish though just burned, in addition to processed into cuisine of anyang (urap) or digulai with fish.

However, plant pankkat and simboling living wild in the jungle and swamp forest never empowered so that the traders of this vegetarian if you want to sell it first picked it up in a wilderness boat.

The second characteristic of this plant is any different, good taste as well as the size, colour and type, usually the plant stem pakkat nibung young and simboling was taken from a still-wrapped rattan shoots leaves.

Pakkat and simboling are very different because the size of the trunk diameter can pakkat 3-5 cm, whereas the type simboling diameter of 2-3 cm. Meanwhile, a sense of the kind of pankkat that's a bit kemanis-sweets, while simboling it tastes bitter. How to obtain the inside skin peeling is prickly on the outside of both.

This type of plant hunters have different ways to peel his skin. Most of them are peeling directly while still in the jungle. There is also a mengupasanya by way of burnt first, while the content of the stems of this plant are white.

Other traders, Ogek Where, self-professed selling pakkat and simboling in demand during Ramadan to served as material for breaking the fast.

Regarding the price is very affordable, 10 rods for sale Rp 5,000 to Rp 7,000/belt. He had a turnover of selling pakkat and simboling could reach between Rp 200 and Rp 150 thousand thousand per day.

A week of Ramadan, takjil food is also overrun of buyers every day. Both the stem of this plant is making urap, anyang and goulash laced smoked fish.

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