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Papaya fruit is a fruit that comes from Latin America more precisely the area of ​​Mexico. Papaya is widely spread throughout the world is no exception Indonesia. The fruit that has a yellow or orange color has a soft texture and sweet. Papaya has many health benefits ranging from leaves, flowers, and papaya seeds.

But this time we will discuss the benefits of papaya seeds. Indeed not many know the benefits of papaya seeds. Many who throw away papaya seeds just like that. But did you know that papaya seeds can be used for the health of the body. Papaya seeds can get rid of toxins collected in the intestine and liver. Papaya seed extract can even protect kidney organs from toxins that can cause kidney failure and can kill parasites that nest in the digestive tract.

As according to dr. Revelation Triasmara in the Healthy Club Diet show on Facebook on February 28, 2017. explains that papaya seeds also contain anti-cholesterol substance is great. In papaya seed extract contained alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, anthraquinones saponi, anthocyanosides. Given the content, papaya seeds have the effect of hypolipidemia and antioxidants in the blood that is beneficial to lower cholesterol levels.

How to get the benefits of papaya seeds are:

Wash the seeds of papaya, then drying 2 to 3 days. Once it is dried blender or mashed papaya seeds until it becomes powder. Take one teaspoon of papaya seed powder and mix it with one glass of warm water. You can mix a little honey or sugar to taste good lebik. Drink one to two glasses of papaya seeds daily.


"Prove that within 14 days your digestion is getting healthier, my family and I have tried it, my parents who originally had cholesterol 270, within 10 days to 170." Said the doctor of revelation.

Not only that papaya seeds are also useful for others such as:

1. As Hair Serum

How to use it is to roast the papaya seeds and add coconut oil to taste. Then apply to dry hair for serum. After that swat hair with a towel for 2 hours. Then rinse hair with clean. Serum papaya seeds will make the hair more black in a natural way.

2. Strengthen the Kidney

In papaya seed extract according to some doctors are able to strengthen the kidney that usually have problems.

3. Treating intestinal parasites

Papaya seeds have been studied in Nigeria involving several children in the area. Approximately 77 percent of children successfully recovered by eating papaya seed extract for 7 days.

Well that's the benefits of papaya seeds that not many people know about. Prove the benefits now.

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