Clever Peasant and stupid genie(1)

Saleum saban saree keu rakan ban sigom bumoe Atjeh
Holy greeting to all sabilillah all over Atjeh day by day

One day the farmer was gardening, soon the farmer saw his damaged garden due to (destructive) wild animals which were destructive.
The farmer is the farmer. Then the farmer also has the idea to catch the animal, that is by making a pit. Not long after, the genie hahahaha laughs at the genie, then the farmer says "why are you laughing at my garden" replied the genie because I was the one who seduced the animal to mess up your garden, the farmer replied "no way now I have already made a trap to catch the wild animals. Even the jitters are worried and the genie makes an agreement with the farmer, the farmer agrees because the farmer it's afraid of the genie.
Ask the farmer "what is the condition, the genie laughs right, it's not me who seduces the animal to eat all your plants, not ...... But the wild animals come alone, the farmers are surprised, hahahahaha the requirements that you said earlier.
The requirement is that if the animal that enters this hole the female is my right, and if the incoming male animal is allotted, how do you agree, the farmer answers "agree"


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