Steemit for Noobs: What You Need To Know To Make It Easy, Get Involved & Be Successful!


There is a LOT to say about this new platform/opportunity, and I am excited to be able to write posts about it in the upcoming days to help as many people as possible upgrade their online AND offline experience!

I want to discuss in-depth what makes Steemit so much different than other online platforms and why it is SO MUCH BETTER, too. Because I am a realist and constantly dedicated to improvement, I also want to discuss the upgrades I see that would be valuable for the Steemit platform/community. However, I will save these for another upcoming post and get down to the basics of HOW TO USE STEEMIT for improving all of our lives!

#1 To get the most out of Steemit, you must have an account. 

Thankfully, this is very easy and FREE. It's even easier to make an account on Steemit than it is on Facebook (which you likely have already done), so you already have what it takes! 


An account on Steemit is freer and more secure than an account on Facebook or Reddit, so there is nothing to worry about there either. 

With that being said... 

#2 which is VERY important: when you create this account, diligently pay attention to the 30-character password phase of the account. 

Because of security (as this is not JUST a social media platform, it is an ONLINE BANK that stores YOUR $$$), your password is very important. Thus, you are only allowed to use complicated, randomly generated passwords--and you CANNOT recover your password. If you lose it, you LOSE YOUR ACCOUNT! 


So yes, this could be very disappointing, but it’s also simply one of the ways Steemit sets higher standards of reward and accountability. So let’s be conscious, responsible, and GRATEFUL for the opportunity!

So when you are setting up your account the EASIEST way to do the password is COPY AND PASTE the generated password into your “set password” box, as the password is difficult and time-consuming to type. Also, BEFORE you create the account, make sure to write down this password (or, do what I do--simply take a screen shot). Then, it’s up to you to decide if you want to “save the password” in your computer. The plus side is that you do NOT have to keep entering the password every time you want to use the account, so that’s what I do. The downside is that anyone with access to your computer can use the account of course…Although again, these are simply opportunities for responsibility!



#3 Explore!

Once you have an account, you can begin to benefit from Steemit! Now this is a VERY NEW platform still in “beta”, so in comparison to say Facebook it is very primitive and rudimentary. It is not easy to use, nor does it have the many streamlined options that FB has. However, it is WAY more customizable for articles and has WAY more benefits that Fascistbook does NOT have. It is also free from the MANY limitations and downfalls of Fascistbook (especially for someone like me).

Everything new can seem more difficult, as there is a learning curve; change is always at least kinda hard (even when its an UPGRADE). 


There are LOTS of posts on Steemit already about "how to use Steemit", "what is Steemit", "how to make it better", etc., etc. It is worthwhile to begin exploring and searching for posts based on key words for your interests. 

#4 UPvoting

Now, I want to mention “UPvoting”--which is basically “liking” a post. Obviously, "UPvote/like" any post that you feel is valuable. It is important to "UPvote" any & every post you find valuable, as this is the ONLY way people who create and share this content get compensated. It is the UPvoting that generates the value of the post as well as the trending status of the post (meaning the more Upvotes, the more it shows up to other Steemit accounts). The MORE UPvotes, the more value that post gets. (The mathematics as to how this works and the cryptocurrency payout details are fairly complicated, but that is the simple truth. There are many layers to UPvoting: users with more “Steem Power” can add more value by UPvoting a post than users with little to no “Steem Power”. I will go into detail of the more intricate truth in a later post.)

Now because this is a much different platform than what you are used to and it is not as easy to use and you don’t have all the friends that you do on other platforms, you may not want to use it much in the beginning--that’s fine. Just use this account to read my posts and any other posts by people on your regular platforms. This will still support me, this community, and this new STANDARD.

Even though it IS possible for you to make money by posting, liking, and commenting, it is not necessary to make that a priority. You can simply use the account to support the people you know who are contributing valuable content, whenever it is convenient. Then, as this platform and community grow/evolve and you become more used to it, you can interface more and more. You will still be doing your part to support people you believe in and to support a new economy/platform with new standards. 

There is no need to abolish, shun, or disown any other community or platform. Rather, let us utilize EVERYTHING available to us, to help as many people as possible and provide as much value to the world as we can!

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