I'm Out Of Magic But I Remembered My Mantra!

I'm Out Of Magic But I Remembered My Mantra!

I'm not as familiar with MMORPG as most of you but I do have knowledge of old school RPG.

I have been roaming the streets of many different towns in search of the items needed on this mission. I have used many Red Potions and all of my magic on the cave troll.

Luckily for me I remembered my Mantra! My return is close and we will defeat you King Grieves this time. We can't take any chances this time with deluge magic we must use Death magic or the Tilte.

Soon I will be back in action! Once my health is returned to full power.

We will need to work hard to get the Dragon Slayer, Battle Suit and Battle Helmet!

We must visit the shops and purchase the necessary Keys!

We will need the "H" key for this mission!

We will defeat you!

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