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Abundance.Tribes Weekly Gems (week of the 6th to the 13th July)


Hello beautiful people!

Welcome to the Abundance.Tribe Weekly Curation, where I (@trucklife-family) get to showcase some of the great Articles that the tribe members created and that really embody what the Tribe stands for.


The AbundanceTribe, formally know as TribeSteemUp community was created by @kennyskitchen, it is a Community Abundance Generator, which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.

The authors who have been chosen to become part of the tribe, are all writing high quality content, which focuses mainly on the following topics :

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |


Today I have a total of 17 articles, to share with you all, these articles are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives. Life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribeVibes Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Burn Out: Natural Medicine From the Ashes



Burn out: nearly every one can see you're there before you can. While you frantically tweak at the edges of your life - fixing, trying to travel, distracting yourself to the point of exhaustion, waiting for retirement or that payout - it's obvious to others that the spark - the fire - has simply gone.
I hear many stoic older people ready to counter with the inevitable...
you just need to work harder and think less
you need to know how good you have it
stop being self-indulgent and think of those less fortunate
we lived though 2 world wars etc and it just made us stronger
etc etc ad nauseum.


BackYard Cannabis Farming 2020 - Episode 4: 2nd Vigorous Pruning, 1st Pest Control Sequence Complete, Fireworks Damage, & Addressing "The Claw"



Each season I give my plants 2-3 vigorous prunings (or "strips") at certain points during the vegetative stage. I usually strip mostly fully developed and/or damaged leaves, along with any leaves blocking light to lower tops trying to grow up. Cleaning out the middle sections is also important. This process opens up the plant to provide more air and light to the plant as a whole, while also promoting faster new growth rates. I usually do this once about half way through June, again about a week into July, and then once more if appropriate early august, 2-3 weeks before flowering time (allowing time for leaf regrowth).


The War On Micro-Terror




July 8, 2020: Food Seeds and Freedom Seeds



Corn seed ready for the freezer
I looked up if it's safe to store corn seeds in the freezer, and found the it's actually good for them. Who knew?! A podcast that I listen to has a monthly episode about seed saving, and they recommend cool, dark, and dry conditions for their seeds. They say that they keep theirs in the freezer, but I was weirded out by that. After looking it up, others recommend it as well, so that's where they went. That small jar full of seed now lives in the freezer til spring.


The Creation of the new world #1 || La creacion del nuevo mundo #1 [Eng-Esp]



Hi guys, over here @auelitairene, this time writing for you from the new world creation column.

The symbol of this column is a deer which by different beliefs is a representation of dawn, purity, renewal and creation. For this grandmother who tells you here, this world is immersed in the stories that we are not told about creation.
GRANDFATHER JATTÜPA (Rufino), tells us that before everything that surrounds us existed, our first Grandparents were the Horses, who sat in a circle and using their medicine, they envisioned their grandson Bühocä (Deer) and then, together with him, they created the planet and everything that surrounds us, until they created the Hüottöja Indian People, in the Venezuelan Amazon jungle.
Bühocä created his younger brother Wajari and his younger sister Chejeru, buo'ka became a deer, Wajari became a tapir and Chejeru became the Yopo.


Thoughts On Staying Positive?



Let's be honest, there is so much to be unhappy about at the moment! (as well as frustrated and angry about, but at the same time we still have so much to be grateful for)When you look at the state the world is in, at what’s been happening and what is being forced on us, we have every reason to be unhappy.
I keep meeting people who get very fearful and scared, the more they learn about what’s going on and the deeper they dig. For sure so much darkness is coming to light right now, and we need to see that as a positive thing!It may be heavy to hear, but it needs to be acknowledged so that we can move forward!


Mushroom Microdosing Adventures: Day 1



Why am I microdosing?
I’ve heard interesting things in regards to it including it helps with: depression, anxiety, autism in general, ptsd, creativity, productivity. All things that interest me. The point of this is to see whether the claims hold true for me personally. In the future I intend to add lions mane mushrooms, for neuroplasticity.
Down goes the microdose...
What was likely less than half a cap of mushroom in some honey was mixed in my little cactus shot glass with lime juice as told to me by the shaman I received these from. I know vitamin c supposedly helps the effect and have drank orange juice in the past during acid trips, so decided to do it that way. I used a dab tool with a small amount, mixed them and drank. Couldn’t notice a taste.


Time to focus on the red pill bug out bag



We hear cries today of the urge to get the economy back on track. It’s collapsing or has derailed like a train that has come off its track. The macro-economist experts will tell you directly that the figures imply that the system is broken. Numbers no longer make sense in that they are going into territory in which they have never been, and that there are no presidents, or ability to ever steer the economy back into place on the same track again. It may slowly unwind over the coming few years. The 2008 Great Recession took at least two years to play out.


Bring on the Herd Immunity



Herd immunity is what happens when everyone becomes immune to some illness. The way it's worked for a long time, is that the illness-causing factor spreads in a population and eventually everyone gets it so that it can;t infect new people and fades away. It can even lead to everyone becoming immune from it in the future, or at least for a certain period of time. Vaccines are another alleged way herd immunity can happen, and are touted as the best way to go about it.


Dance as Healing Path to Fully Embodied Spirit



With all the stress people have been under lately, I've decided to share my primary daily practice for creating a magnetic center of deeply embodied peace in my life. Though I certainly get bounced about by the waves of human conflict and suffering sometimes, both energetically and because I genuinely care about others, I thankfully have some tools in my toolset that lead me back to the way of feeling and being in the world that I want.
Here I'm going to do my best to teach you the #1 method I use. It's called Ecstatic Dance.


Dealing with the demons of possessiveness



I want healthy loving relationships, I’m certain of it. But I have to confess that I suffer the sickness of possessiveness. And I call it a sickness because it overwhelms me, takes away my clarity, makes me behave erratically, and lose the trust of those I love.
There are many theories about the origins of possessiveness. From unattended childhood needs to the constant efforts of capitalist society to make us feel unworthy of being loved, the truth about it probably has many angles and they all add up to the whole understanding.
What is it about imagining our companions loving others sexually or taking attention away from us that gets us so stirred up inside? If they were to do that, wouldn’t they probably just be doing in the quest for their enjoyment? Don’t we want them to enjoy, to be free and happy?


In Defense of My Gates-Trump Article



This Virus Mania Will Make You MAD!



Many people around the globe are literally getting alienated by the so-called pandemic, and which could push suicide, drug deaths as high as 150,000 in America alone according to a leading study published in May 2020. But the MSM spin would hate the people to take a few steps back and start to think for themselves: were the lockdowns and social distancing really efficient at all?
Yesterday when we stumbled upon that article reporting that 200 billion maks and gloves were dumped into the oceans every month, we thought that as a collective, we were still far from mastering that there is no separation between the environment and ourselves.


Hive Giving Us Reason To Be Optimistic



My concern with "Black Lives Matter"


I know any criticism of Black Lives Matter (BLM) is immediately construed as proof of police abuse apologism and white supremacist inclinations, but I hope our platform is sufficiently civil to allow nuanced discourse instead of toxic cancel culture. I also hope my long history of posts against statist institutions and racism is sufficient evidence for my good intentions.
My concern does not stem from disdain for minorities or a lack of concern for their complaints. I have been objecting to police brutality, no-knock SWAT raids, racial profiling, etc. for many years. It is an undeniable fact that many laws we take for granted today are rooted in racism and classism, including minimum wage laws, marriage licensing, drug prohibition, business licensing, and even zoning laws.


This Does [Not Always] Pass: Inviting in Pain as a Tool to Recovery



Have you ever been in the depths of despair, depression or grief for someone to tell you 'this too, will pass?'. It has one of it's origins in a Persian fable and has a beautiful sentiment. A king wanted a ring that would make him happy when he was sad. The now famous saying was etched onto the ring.
Whilst it does provide a temporary balm, for those that have experienced it, depression or grief can be extraordinary painful. It sits on your heart like a winged thing with talons, paralysing and agonising. This will pass does not always provide relief. It's at this point we reach for anything to dull the pain - wine, valium, anything that will dull the sharpness.


Checking in: I'm back in Babylon... Let's just say I'm getting ready for another weeks-long trip into the forest.



Hello beautiful humans!
I'm back out of the forest... back in Babylon. I feel quite recharged, refreshed, and motivated; so it's been easy to roll with the utter stupidity of the standard-issue CULTure. Being in the woods with people who are tuned in and unplugged to such a higher degree really makes the contrast of Bill Gates' "New Normal" pretty ridiculous.
My first day out, going for a smoothie up the road, had me planning my total escape into the life of a forest-dweller because the statist reality was just too much. Right up until I had some calories in me, then I was ready to just laugh at the stupidity of it all again.
On the way back, I ran into this, on SE Hawthorne...

Earth Deeds - Volume 15

Focalized by @Elamental

This contest is designed to inspire people to create content that reflects their services to the Earth. The process of creating and hosting this contest also makes me a better Earth custodian, inspires me to reduce my carbon footprint even more than I already am, and to continuously report on my actions of conservation.

Read the full post and enter the contest here

The @Abundance.Tribe Bi-Weekly Question

Focalized by @Trucklife-Family

The aim of the biweekly question is to help promote self awareness, so that we can begin to go back to a point in our lives, where we are connecting more with our intuitive self. By asking these questions, we are getting one another to dig deep and to reflect on our lives. To focus on what we really want in life and on how we are going to achieve it.

This question today has been put forward by @indigoocean
How has your energetic experience changed during this global pandemic?

See the full post


Sharing the Abundance GIVEAWAY!

Week 7 - Win a Beautiful Labradorite Cabochon with Another Surprise Crystal

Focalized by @ELAmental

Each Thursday on @Abundance.Tribe we will be hosting a giveaway from now on. It is our mission as a community to share the abundance that we so graciously receive ourselves.

*Easily enter to win a stunningly flashy Labradorite Cabochon from Morocco AND an additional crystal that will remain secret until the winner recieves it! These are two of the many items I acquired at the 2020 World Gem Show in Quartzsite & Tucson, Arizona USA. *

Read the full post and enter the contest here


Abundance Tribe Evergreen Collection #8: Breathing Life Into Paid Out Posts

Focalized by @artemislives

There are so many good posts which are enjoyed so fleetingly, or perhaps not at all. Maybe it was published before you joined Hive or not yet following that author? Or that was the week you were fasting in a yurt in Mongolia without wifi? Life happens and the 7 day post rewards window is short. Many would say too short. There are also just so many reasons why a post is overlooked, forgotten or received less reward than it should have: autovoters were down, token price crashed, or it was another Hard Fork within moments of you pressing 'publish".

Read the full post and enter the contest here


Deadpost Curation #5 - Have a great post that got less than $6 or less than 3 real comments? Win some Hive!

Focalized by @whatamidoing

*The Deadpost Initiative is now working in collaboration with Abundance Tribe to host a bi-weekly contest to reward old, undervalued content. Glad to be onboard :-D

*Deadposts are to be posted in the Deadpost Community and linked in the comments, then the winners will be announced in our bi-weekly curation post in Abundance Tribe.

Read the full post here
