Beginner's Tourney # 3 Finished - Results - Raffle - I Made an Oopsie

Hey Guys!

Beginner's Tourney # 3 has concluded! Thank you everyone for participating. Here are the results.

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1st. place: @nfter

2nd. place: @lennn

3rd. place: @nikuniku

4th. place: @nn-hs

Congratulations to all winners!

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These 3 Random participants got Level 2 Insidious Warlock (EPIC)
@williamhessiean, @bravetofu, @spikezor

Insidious Warlock.png

and these 10 Random participants got Level 2 Scavo Firebolt (RARE)
@ameth, @laughingrabbit, @kainzar, @jos3lider, @weeareus, @kedhran, @dava25, @princemike23, @trinitylove, @libertistar

jos3lider, you lucky sannava already got 3 prizes haha #rigged

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Congratulation to the lucky bonus prize winners!

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Beginner's Tourney # 3 (AGAIN?!)

You might have noticed an error, the next tournament name is again Beginner's Tourney # 3 but it's just a typo, and sadly to edit this error, it would cost 2000 DEC so I don't think it's worth it. It doesn't affect anything really, so who cares, right?

The next tourney is already available for sign-ups, so let's take a quick overview.

Tournament Rules:

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1st Place: 300 DEC
2nd Place: 200 DEC
3rd-4th Place: 100 DEC
5-64 Place: 50 DEC
65-100 Place 25 DEC

To JOIN the tournament CLICK here!

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Bonus Prizes

Every participant that enters this tournament has an equal chance to win one bonus prize. It doesn't matter how well you perform in the event, you win the whole tournament or place last there is always an equal chance to get the bonus reward.

Again we got some Level 2 rewards so don't miss out!

3 Random participants will get: Level 2 Uraeus (EPIC)


and 10 Random participants will get: Level 2 Dhampir Stalker (RARE)

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To make these tournaments a bit more exclusive to newer players, I raised entry costs for Gold and above league players to 100 DEC in the last tournament and I think it will work, for now. The cost to entry for Silver and lower leagues is still 50 DEC.

Loyalty system coming really soon, I swear guys :)

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GIF by @splinterlands

To enhance your Splinterlands gameplay and win rate, try out this tool called Splintertool
To find out more about this look at my previous post about this tool.
Beware, the tool will get affected by recent changes in Splinterlands but most of the features will work fine, also more features are coming.

If you don't want to miss these tournaments, join our guild discord, under section ZELLS CORNER AND TOURNEYS, you can follow a channel where I announce all my tourneys. See ya there!

Thank you for reading!

Good Luck and Have Fun!


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