Weekend engagement [Week 203] : Favorite smells

Imagen de Ri Butov en Pixabay, edited in InCollage app

Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed your weekend very much. Looking at the topics proposed by @galenkp this time, the one about smells really caught my attention, as there are so many delicious smells in this world and it's a wonderful feeling to enjoy something just by its smell.

First of all, I want to say that I really like smells and it is because they are so powerful that they can make you access your memories in a second. Sometimes, when I smelled a certain scent, I was immediately transported back to a particular day in my past and remembered everything I was doing, just by the smell, I love that feeling.

Regarding my three favorite scents, I think I could say with certainty that I know very well which ones might be chosen.

Smell of rain


First of all there is no doubt that my favorite smell is the smell of rain, I love cloudy days and enjoy the smell of wet earth that comes with the rain. Days like this always take me back to my childhood, specifically to Saturdays, because I always remember being at home on a Saturday watching my favorite program "Somos Multitud", in which they would show an episode of the series Friends and then enjoy a movie. Undoubtedly, it is a memory that I treasure very much and the smell of rain allows me to relive it again 🥰.

I also really like to be in my room watching the rain fall through the window and feeling the cool breeze, it's a feeling that brings me a lot of peace, I really enjoy it a lot.

Smell of books


The smell of books is something I have always loved, whether they are new or old books, each one is special. I am of the generation that prefers to read physical books, I don't like to be reading through a screen at all. The fact of being able to touch and smell the books makes me enjoy reading much more.

Smell of the ocean


The ocean is always magical, I love watching it sitting on the sand, listening to the waves as they break on the shore and feeling the breeze on my face and the smell of the sea that relaxes the soul.

Anyway, these are the scents that I personally enjoy the most, I love how each one of them brings back beautiful memories. By doing this post I can realize that someone's favorite scents can tell a lot about that person, and it's a great way to really get to know a person.

Thanks for reading!

All pictures were taken with my Samsung Galaxy S9 phone.

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