Checking In After a Long Absence

Hello Hive!
I can't believe it's almost the end of May and I've been quiet since I left for my Hawaii vacation!

My friend Candy and I had a wonderful time for two blissful weeks from February 27- March 8th. I can tell you that the trip and the beauty of The Big Island and Maui exceeded my expectations.

I was blessed with lodging and transportation by Candy. She had purchased the trip in advance for her sister who God called home after the trip was booked. Candy needed a companion. I was fortunate enough to be able to arrange that time off work in February and March. I am forever grateful for my supervisor and manager approving this time off!

We stayed in beautiful resorts. One of the first things that we did was attend a luau with some lively native dancers. We ziplined a half mile over a waterfall. This experience was high adrenaline and it should only happen again!

Another fun trip was a helicopter ride over a dormant volcano and the largest waterfall on Maui. The beauty was indescribable!

Whale-watching was probably my favorite outing.We saw many whales and the captain was blown away by a whale who decided to hover below our boat. This whale was a young male that is a custodian whale, a hopeful suitor for the next breeding season, of a cow and the calf that we were watching. The Captain took his cell phone and put it in the water to video the male since that never happened before. I told the boat occupants with us that God answered my prayer requesting to see whales in a big way. I lost count of how many we did see. We saw several cows with calves. The whales travel each spring to Hawaii to calf.

The weather was always in the seventies Fahrenheit. It didn't rain often and we ate fantastic food in the places that we went for special dinners.

I'm sorry I've been quiet so long but life has been happening and I'm holding things up on this end. I'm in my spring cycle of Migraines and it's been very challenging. I called off work yesterday because of acute nausea. On June 7th I will be getting Botox again. I pray that the medicine will back the migraines off.

How are you?
Thanks for reading đź“š.

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credit @tattooedjay

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