Conversation (Poetry)


You read my book, I read your face
You move from page to page,
I move from place to place
I am the magician of the open pen,
you are the closed book of story
I am a merchant of happiness and joy,
you are the night of beautiful youth

If you look with black eyes,
I fly in the blue sky
You mix the feelings of my mind with the feelings of my poetry
I mix my feelings with the shadows of your eyelashes
You catch my words, I catch your silence
You are getting entangled in meaningless meanings,
my silence demands answers
You make the book a shield,
I fight with my mind

You know through verses,
the colors of my enthusiasm
Let me see the shape of my future through your eyes
You call me in your mind,
I turn my eyes to you
Whatever is your reflection in the mirror of my poetry
My name was printed in the corner,
you were all over the book
You consider me a god, I fall at your feet

The drizzle of your words fills my ears with sorrow
My book is closed, now your book opens
You came into my life, today I leave this world
Flowers in my life, buds in your mind
Shrouded in silken shame, the colors of the colorful night
When the moon sets, the sun sets,
I hold on to love with all my might

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