PIZZA 2 Brawl Report - 8 May 2024

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Greetings to all, we are fresh off a brawl that just concluded for PIZZA 2 less than an hour ago, and its time to share how we did. We had been down for a few brawls due to crazy participation differences which led us to be strike off the podium.

Since the start of Rebellion introduction, I have now changed my brawl fray to Fray 4 for my guild which is the fray that uses only Chaos Legion and Rebellion Card. Started this not too long ago and I am still trying to understand more on the Rebellion cards. Without further ado, here's how everything went.

Brawl 1
Link :


Selection:With Scatter and Little League for this match, I picked my favourite double protect lineup which also included Venari Spellsmith to dispel any other buffs my opponent put up. Hopefully my backline of mages can do what is needed to win the match.
Outcome:Win! The double protect really helped me ward off attacks from Uraeus and Venari Scout while my rest of my lineup do their damage. Favourite lineup worked and did me proud.

Brawl 2
Link :


Selection:Earthquake and reverse speed ruleset so I need some armour and at the same time to be able to strike first with a slower lineup. Key is Ravenhood Warden for the Protect then subsequently is Harklaw with the Shield to reduce to damage from Earthquake and outlast my opponent.
Outcome:Win! Harklaw outlasted a Flying card while the rest of my opponent backline was chomp up by the Earthquake itself due to the low health. The strategy I put up worked well!

Guild Final Tally


I am assigned 3 matches this brawl and managed to win all 3 of the assigned match (which included 1 which opponent escaped). And once again, I have managed to get a clean sweep for this brawl, the feeling to obtain clean sweep is awesome. With our better participation, I clocked another 5 wins due to lack of participation from other guilds.


With a better participation and good fights from everyone, we have once again returned to the podium and obtained a rank 3 for this particular brawl. I think we are on the right track, keep the participation and fray filling high. And by doing so, we will not give free wins to others but get a better brawl result for our guild. Keep up the good work guys! Go PIZZA 2!

We are still in the hunt for players who can help us fill up GF frays, if you have a shiny collection and able to commit to the brawls, we ask for you to join us and win brawls together as a guild. We are getting better in our participation already and getting better brawl rewards. Do check us out in the PIZZA discord and check with the guild officers to gain entry to the guild.

See you at the next brawl report!


Call to Action
Splinterlands is a game that made me change my whole perspective of mobile gaming. The community and non-fixed gameplay is what attracts me and I believe will be something you wish to experience.

If you wish to join me, click on the link below and join me in this adventure.

Do drop me a comment/message if you've joined Splinterlands through my referral link and I will transfer you some DEC to help you begin your Splinterlands journey.

I am currently also part of PIZZA community and also a part of the community's Splinterlands Guild. PIZZA is an active gaming and creative arts crypto community on the HIVE blockchain. Popular cryto games such as SPLINTERLANDS, RISING STAR and HASHKINGS are actively discussed here. Plenty of other things are being discussed there with many good information.

Many events are being organized from time to time. Join the PIZZA DISCORD. This is a place filled with 💰🍕🎁GIVEAWAYS & AIRDROPS💰🍕🎁 and most definitely consisting of a friendly community to be in.

Thank you for reading post about my journey thus far. I would really appreciate it if you liked and/or comment to let me know what are you thoughts.

Let's keep up this community spirit to allow more learning and sharing.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun!


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