PhotoFeed Contest - Portrait Photography Round 68

Hello hive community and @photofeed 🤗. Last month was my birthmonth I didn't have the chance to enjoy it because of the unexpected moments that happened to me. First was my daughter was scratch by our stray kitten 🐈🐾. Then I was told as a scammer of our neighbor because I wasn't able to pay him. But I was just 3 days late for the payment. Valentine's day I was also scratch by the same kitten 🐈🐾. I was thinking if I should get vaccinated because we already spent a lot of money. But then I tried if the new animal bite center has a free vaccine. February 15 I lost consciousness at the hospital.

But today I want to share the images I uploaded on my birthday 🎂 which I also make my entry for this round.

I was being blessed by the sunset which gave a special lightning effect. What you see at the buttom was the opposite of me everyday. My hair is always a mess. I don't even put eyebrows or lipstick 💄 because I don't have time for myself. So in this very moment I post like there's no more tomorrow 😉. All woman are unique so when theres a time we must fixed our self. Because we are beautiful inside and out.








Thank you so much for reading
Much Love, @usagigallardo015

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