Hive Blog Posting Month (aka #HiveBloPoMo) starts April 1st 2022!

HiveBloPoMo April 2022 blog thumbnail.png

Quick shout out about #HivePUD (Hive Power Up Day) for those wondering why I haven't posted the announcement yet. I meant to mention last month that I've decided to now combine that and the "Welcome to Power Up Day" posts and publish it soon after the clock ticks over to April 1st.

I've written about this 30 Day blockchain blogging challenge (inspired by National Blog Posting Month aka NaBloPoMo challenge) a number of times over the past few years, so like last time, I'm going to keep this announcement post short and sweet. Well, short for me...😂

Firstly, here are links to my other Blog Posting Month posts -


What exactly is Hive Blog Posting Month?

The description I have in the header graphics for the HiveBloPoMo Hive account, as well as the Twitter account is -

  • Post daily on the Hive Blockchain for the month of April 2022
  • Win the amazeballs feeling of having 30 new posts earning crypto on the Hive blockchain!


Is there a community for HiveBloPoMo?

I'm so glad you asked, because YES! As of October 28th, 2021, there is a community devoted to this twice a year initiative.

The HiveBloPoMo Community


What else is going on for April?

In the world at large, there is National Poetry Month (this year happens to be the 25th anniversary), which is celebrated by poets sharing daily poetry on blogs and social media.

On the Hive blockchain, I know of three at the moment, but I'll be sure to edit this post if I discover any others.

  • WalkTalkChallenge by @epodcaster - For the second year, one of the busiest and most incredible blockchain promoters on social media will be "walking and talking with women entrepreneurs and women in the web3 space about their goals and challenges." For more info, take a peek at her post, WalkTalkChallenge April 1-30: Web3 Women and go to her recent tweet that has a "Set Reminder" image so you can join the challenge live!

And the other two are both done by the ever awesome @hivebuzz team!

  • Hive Power Up Month - power up every day during the month, either by powering up at least 1 Hive, or setting your post payouts to 100% Hive Power. Check out this post for more details - Be ready for the next Hive Power Up Month!

  • Monthly Author Badge - what better time to try for it? Here's a bit of the description from the HiveBuzz website -

Keep in mind that a month begins the first of the month and ends the last day of the month (like on calendars), and that HiveBuzz uses UTC time to validate when you published your post! It is not a date to date month. If you miss one post on one day, you will miss this monthly award and you will have to wait for the next month to try to obtain this badge again.


What should I post about?

I'd been meaning to do this for ages, and as of November 2021 I finally put it together! Here's a calendar page with prompts for each day. Please remember these are just suggestions and don't feel obligated to use them. Oh, and I used Holiday Insights (which states it's "one of the original holiday calendar sites") as a reference for fun & interesting holidays in April. Check out the link if you want more info about my non-Hive specific choices, or to see what else is being celebrated each day.

HiveBloPoMo April 2022 Prompt Calendar.png

There were also some cool suggestions from the HiveTwitter peeps during today's @HiveBloPoMo #HiveChat. Here's a link to the tweet, if you want to take a peek at the replies -


EDITED TO ADD: @shadowspub reminded me in a comment below that she has an awesome email list that sends out a variety of daily prompts. Here's a copy of what she has in the footer of all her posts -

image courtesy of @shadowspub

"Would you like to receive writing prompts every day? You can subscribe to Prompt A Day to get started."


What do I win if I do all 30 posts?

As I said in the short description, you win the amazeballs feeling of completing the challenge and having 30 new posts on the blockchain! But as I've done for every other BloPoMo, I plan to do a little something to help keep everyone motivated and/or thank them for their participation.

I'm not sure I can swing any sort of badges at this point, but now that there's a community, I plan to investigate that next. And since I'm a curator for @ocd, I will be keeping an eye on posts in the HiveBloPoMo community and might be able to recommend a few for curation through OCD's Niche Community Initiative.


That's it!

Good luck to everyone giving this (or any of the other 30 day challenges) a go! Please feel free to shout out if you have any questions and happy Hive blog posting!


Image Credits: blog thumbnail and blog prompt calendar created on Canva.


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which...

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