Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 166

Greeting everyone,

How are you? I hope you have an awesome day today that is better than yesterday.

Reflection Hunters Contest ~ Round 166

This is my entry for the Reflection Hunters Contest, Round 166, hosted by Olgavita.

Check out the contest LINK HERE


Can you see the reflection in this photo? You cant? Let's zoom in on those photos and see if you realise the reflection in those photos.

Yes, it was the vendor selling food one floor below our college building. The vendor was Chinese, so most of the food being sold here is Chinese homemade food.

It looks delicious, but unfortunately, I never try to buy from there. Maybe next time because usually when our class was finished, it was already lunchtime and the que was super long because this place was the only one selling cheap food around this metropolitan area.

Check out the food in that area. There is a lot of variety, and it looks super delicious.

Thanks for stopping by , see you in another post. CHEERS

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