Splinterlands Giveaway #3 winners + Splinterlands giveaway for OPG holders #4 + Top 10 rewards week 13

Winners for giveaway #2

Welcome to the end of the second giveaway being done for OPG holders for Splinterlands cards. It is great to see the interest still there, with the hopes more will be joining in once more but for now, here are your 2 winners for this week.

Winner #1 for the 1 rare and 2 commons is...


Winner #2 for the 1 rare is...


Congratulations to both of you and enjoy your winnings, it has been sent out!

Giving away multiple Splinterlands cards for OPG holders!

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Welcome to the Splinterlands giveaway for the OPG community where I will be giving away a range of Chaos Legion + reward cards which for now will be rares and common and at times an epic but to enter, you need to be holding OPG tokens and then registering your interest on this post with a comment and so I can mark you down for the random name picker. It is easy enough to be earning through the #opg tag, but a bonus if people buy the token since a small part can be used to boost/do more giveaways and I want to be rewarding community members, for their effort in holding OPG.

So what are the prizes?

This week will require you to be holding 30 OPG to participate and as for the prizes...

Placing will be as follows and the things you can win are:

1st place will win - Molten Ash Golem and Naga Assassin

2nd place will win - Molten Ash Golem

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Top 10 rewards

This week felt like it went on for quite a while due to starting the new job and being busy, but it finally came to Sunday and I am glad, to reward people the night before being back at work for another week haha.

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Bonus draw winners

As mentioned last week, the rewards have been moved up to 4% of total OPG holding for people that hold 50+ and win in the bonus draw. So congratulations to this weeks winners!!!

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I am moving the rewards and this post to be sent out around this time which is about 5:30 - 6:30pm GMT +10:30, Adelaide South Australia time. This allows me to have a little more wind down time before bed and the work week in case I do a bigger post at any time.

Don't forget you can now join the Orion's Peak Gaming community and start earning the OPG token!

Join the Orion's Peak Gaming community Discord and see how you can join others in earning the OPG token which includes using the tag #opg

Join the Hive Gaming Community to find great gaming content and like-minded gamers at the Hive Gaming Community

Orion's Peak Gaming Community

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Hive Gaming Community


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