Splinterland Battle Mage Secrets : Healers are Out

Good day Splinter friends , for this battle mage secrets challenge we are given the rule Healed Out. What I love about this rule is that it some what evens out the battle field because there are a lot of OP heroes now that has heal and dealing when them is hard for us average players.

So here is my featured battle for this ruleset.

Battle Conditions

Aside from the challenge rule ,these conditions are available.

  • Blood and Sunder - all units will have a one armor decay every round.
  • Elements - All elements are available for play
  • Mana - 58 mana is given, a plenty of room for high mana picks.

Line Up Selection

In battle where all elements is available, players usually pick the water element because it has a lot of heavy hitters , so that's the element I prepared for.

  • Tarsa - the plus 1 health and damage is a very critical element to have an advantage against the opponent.
  • Arkhemis - expecting high mana units, the forcefield will be useful to soak up those damage, and also the shield that it gives to all units is very helpful.
  • Ferox Defender - giving two more shield to all my units and repair, this is a must have utility unit in high mana battles.
  • Sorriel - now after giving my units shields, I now will take away their shield. With this unit's rust ability penetrating will be more easy, and the double strike magic damage is a very much welcome feat.
  • Supply Runner - Giving us speed and additional health , another utility that affects the outcome of battles.
  • Sinash - expecting a water element opponent, an additional speed won't hurt, and also the blast and opportunity in one unit is a very useful tool in getting those priority targets contained.
  • IIdri Fyre - having her around makes easier for other units to focus in dealing damage while she takes all the early damage, thanks to her taunt.

Battle Highlights

  • The opponent picking life element was unexpected. But after all application all buff and debuff , I guess my selection did well in neutralizing the opponents pick which is Iziar and Adelade Combo.

  • With all the speed buff I received from Sinash and Supply Runner my units were the first to deal a lot of damage. Even eliminating Iziar on the process. But with IIdri taking all their damage my other units are safe just doing their job.

  • IIdri Fyre was eliminated in the second round activating her redemption dealing damage to all enemy. That caused the death of the resurrected Iziar activating again her Martyr for Adelade and Katie. But still things are looking to be in my favor, so the battle continued.

  • Just in the third round the enemy tank was already eliminated living ranged unit in the tank position just like sitting ducks waiting to be punished.

  • Again with my high speed , my archers immediately punished the two archers in the enemy side living just Adelade and Katie to battle.

  • Katie Eliminated Sorriel activating her bloodlust giving her a total of 7 magic damage , but that's bad news for her. With Archemis still on the front , the forcefield ability will just allow a one damage to the Bear.

  • And with that, Supply Runner and Sinash made sure that Kattie will be taken care of , giving us a victory.

  • The final sight of the battle .

And that's another victory on the books.
If you want to watch the full battle , here is the LINK.

Thanks for dropping by .
Have a good day, see you in the next one!




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