Mexican Murals - Cyborg Car wth Cool Dogs [CCC's Street Art Contest #173]

I am back in Mexico City, where murals and street art abound just about everywhere. So I thought I wouldn't have to look too hard before they just jumped right at me. But alas, that wasn't so. At least so far it seems like there is nothing new up on the walls of my neighborhood. But just as I was about to give up, I realized that in fact there was a cool and fresh wall painting up. In fact, it's right where a sweet vintage taxi was taking up all my attention.

The Same Corner Without Parked Cars

In the narrow streets of this part of San Miguel Chapultepec that's known as Tacubaya Antigua, it is difficult to see the walls, let alone take pics, if it is blocked by cars. Fortunately, I happen to pass by here frequently enough to get a chance at seeing the walls sometimes, particularly on a Sunday.


The differing styles suggest that each section was painted by another artist, so I want to focus on the right side, where a gate is decorated with a dog themed image. The pooches are gathered around a sign of the crossed-out E, indicating that it's a no-parking zone. Yeah, good luck gaining that respect! Though the dogs are cool. The letting on the food bowl reads Velkan, which could be an indicator to the artist.


To the right we can see the image that actually caught my eye, for being worthy of becoming a post. It shows a very high-tech cybernetic car, and an equally cyborgish looking user holding a pair of controlling devices that seems to be steering the vehicle. The cyber lettering on top reads Bort, which can also be seen on the right edge of the mural, together with Velkan. This strengthens my previous assumption that it's the name of the artists, however I could not find any online presence of these muralists.

In any case, just like always, this post is my entry to this week's CCC's Street Art Contest. At the same time, it is my continuation of my loooong and steadily growing post collection of incredible street art found in Mexico, called Mexican Murals.

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