Moderation might be an option for alcoholic drinks rather than banning them

Human beings are very perfect in shifting blames and that's exactly what happens with alcohols; when taken in moderation obviously creates none of those harmful effects we see people portray but then, we chose to take more than our heads could carry and then blame it all on the alcohol rather than on our lack of discipline.

Both Alcohols and hard drugs parley on equal ground in terms of effect and none to me is a lesser evil but just with a little tilt towards alcohol because of the easy availability and acceptance whereas you have to "hide to enjoy per say" the hard drugs when you take them but, the effects could very much be likened and similar as both has the ability of creating addiction in the user.

Addiction is what kills more in these substances more than the contents itself because addiction creates that irresistible urge to always go for these substances even when you don't have money.


The side effects of alcoholic drinks could not be overemphasized, however, if I had the power to ban this commodity, I won't be doing so as I don't think it will help the community get better in anyway but rather will make people seek for alternatives and further create hardship:

Loss Of Jobs

There's a high rate of unemployment currently in my country such that most graduates have gotten tired of looking for jobs and have settled as keke drivers and POS vendors just to make ends meet
Now imagine destroying the alcoholic breweries providing job to thousands of persons,
Where exactly do you place them?
Which alternative do you leave them with?

Worsen Economy

Currently also in my country, the economy is nothing to write home about.
Banning alcoholic drinks is merely adding to it because what will happen is that you'll successfully create market scarcity propelling an avenue for hiked price of any available alcoholic drink because I'm sure the production will be going on even with the ban.
Come to think of it... Hard drugs like cocaine and marijuana are all banned but go into the streets and you'll see them as if they're allowed in the country.

Worsen The Health Of Users

Finally, banning alcoholic drinks will worsen the health of users because the production won't be supervised by any agency and the masses are left with substandard products from some dirty hidden breweries.

However if given the power, there is one area I'll love to work on rather than banning alcoholic drink production and that's self-discipline.
Just like I said initially, most of these side effects doesn't come with moderate intake but rather with excessive intake...
Infact, medically alcoholic intake isn't a problem for us when you don't exceed 14units per week for females and 21units for males.
Note that each alcoholic drink is rounded up to 3units for males and 2units for females which invariably means that yiu have to drink 7bottles and above for it to become a problem.

Now tell me, why would you drink more than 7bottles a week even without this economic hardship even if you're replacing your lunch with drinks...

That's why I will rather use that power to create awareness of the negative impacts of excessive alcoholic intake and also educate the masses on the importance of self-discipline.

Most substances are good when taken in moderation but it's our attitude to those substances that really puts us in the bad side of its effects

Thanks for reading and have a nice day

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