Pembrook Nymph as my entry for this week's Splinterlands Art Contest!

Splinterlands Art Contest!

Hello guys, I'm back with an another entry for this week. Well, technically this entry is for last week's contest because I messed up the deadline again XD. I thought the deadline was today morning but unfortunately it was yesterday. Ah yes, this is not the first time this happened. Oh well sh*t happens sometimes but I'm glad that we can still participate hehe. So for this week I decided to draw Pembrook Nymph. I liked her character design very much so I decided to give it a try so here is the one I made in my style :)

Pembrook Nymph












I wanted to try a really complicated pose this time because I'm a masochist 😂 and I found one on Pinterest. I only decided to use it for pose reference because the cloth she was wearing in there was skin tight so it was easy to draw the body. I started to draw a rough sketch on my notebook and this pose definitely gave me a hard time drawing it as expected but I didn't give up and eventually made a decent sketch. I imported it to Ibis app, flipped the canvas, saw some mistakes and fixed them before drawing the lineart. Once I was done with that I decided to try painting her in realism. What can I say, I'm a masochist afterall 😂.

I started painting the body first. I personally don't like the skin colour here. I'm not very good with it but I did my best to render it to make it look like it's 3D. I used a combination of lasso tool, airbrush and penfade brush for rendering the body. I don't really use lasso tool but man it's a good tool when it comes to rendering the skin with the combination of brushes I mentioned above. After I finished with the body I moved on to painting the armour and the belt. This part didn't give me much trouble. I have experience with drawing metalic stuff like this now thanks to the tutorial I got from Pinterest. The best part about painting the metal is adding the highlights. Position of the highlights is very important as it creates the 3D effect. When I do it I follow other high points of the body to connect with the highlight position I want to paint.

Once I was done with them I moved on to painting the hair. This part may be the toughest. Sometimes everything works well but hair gave me some trouble on majority of my paintings XD. But it's also the part I experiment with the most and I like the different results I produce most of the time. While painting hair and the other parts of the body, I had to paint highlights and shadows in a way that it indicates that a strong light source is originating from her hand. Once I was done with her body and hair I moved on to the other accessories such as the crown. I didn't draw a lineart for this one. I just painted it without lineart and luckily I managed to paint it decently. I hope I didn't made it ugly XD.

Finally I decided to amplify the glow from her hand source with blue colour on colour dodge layer. After that what's left was the background. For it, I made some narrow wave like pattern concentrating towards the source of light, added some bubbles and applied a zooming blur on the finished work to focus attention towards the glow and her face. That's about it and I hope you enjoyed the process hehe.

Official Design

Pembrook Nymph.png


Tools used: Ibis paint x, Notebook and Pencil

Duration: 10hrs

Pose reference

Thank you so much for your time 🤩

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