Grass Racoon | Holozing creature background art contest!

Holozing Contest!

Hello Holozing community!

I'm here to post my entry for the holozing creature background contest. It's a great decision by the holozing mods to give a chance to the community itself in bringing forward the creative talents of the hive artists. We are all grateful for this opportunity so thank you very much :)

For this contest I decided to make a background for the Grass Racoon. I really liked his pose so I decided to make a forest background in a tilted perspective since he is a grass type creature and also his head tilt will sync with the background I make. Enjoy the process below!

Grass Racoon


The process


Made a rough sketch, a simple forest background with some vegetation.



I painted two trees in the background with dark green colour and shaded them with airbrush. I painted them in a way that the light source is in sync with the creature's default light source. I painted rest of the background in accordance to that.


Painted the sky and vegetation on the ground.



The leaf design I used earlier on the trees didn't seem to do well with the other things around it so I changed it to a simple one. The background behind the ground vegetation looked empty so added some trees behind in a low opacity blurred state to show depth. Also made a simple blue flower design based on the creature's tail, duplicated it and pasted them randomly in the forest background, detailed the ground and grass a bit and added the shadow coming from the Racoon's body.



Upgraded the light source from a top and added orange colour on the top of the canvas to fit the new background. The ground had lots of space left so I decided to add some yellow flower bush here and there. Added some glow on the blue flowers. Thickened the vegetation bit more and added some leaves flying around. I changed something on the creature's face, can u find out what it is hehe?


The background


Combined version


Apps used: Ibis paint x

Duration: 6hrs

Thank you so much for your time 😊

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