Got Bottle - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

One of the things I love about Hive is that it always has me looking at things these days with an eye for a shot. No matter where I am or what I may be doing I find myself always seeing the possibilities for a good photo, and it really could be anything and anywhere. These shots are an example of this.


So Iā€™m in Ikea grabbing some things we need for the boat, essentials and must haves to be able to just live, eat, sleep etc when I see these corked bottles all lined up like soldiers. Apart from realising that we could use them for drinking water storage on the boat, I saw the aesthetic and the possibilities of some totally random imagery.


I was taking shots anyway to ask my wife, Milly, what her thoughts were on grabbing a couple of them for the new boat, sending them via chat, and then indulging in some different angles and observing the light. I could imagine the monochromatic possibilities in my minds black and white eye. And what the hell it was fun too.


Like glass bottle soldiers, and army of clean glass recepticles all stood in formation on the Ikea Basic Training Drill Pad.


When I got back hime I had a few beers and manipulated the images as I saw fit and liked the end results of a fun photo shoot while out shopping.


The imagery is everywhere, you just have to see it

Love a bit of #monomad šŸ˜œ



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