Mango and Sugar at dinner

Dad managed to find out the best resource before I came


This was a bit emotional so I thought I would record this on the chain. As mentioned in my earlier posts, I have come to live with my parents as they live alone. Dad is 84, and he still likes to eat non-veg in all meals, if given. I am surprised on how he still retains this liking for non-veg at this age, but that's a good sign at his age. Of course, we are not giving him non-veg in every meal, but at least 2-3 times in a week, is a must for him. Last time when I went back from here, he had a wish - Bring mutton from the OD11 Baripada Kitchen - a restaurant that is famous for mutton. Even though, I don't like mutton in the dinner, I brought it for him, specially cooked, after I told them his wish. I was a little late to reach home and by the time I came, he had locked the front gate, front door and Mom was asleep. I had to call loudly and then he came to open the door. When I entered the home, after parking the car, this was on the dining table, and I felt a pinch. We have a cook who prepared roti only, as she knew I will be coming with the curries. Dad was told about it as well, but his short term memory ( because of Dementia) did not assure him, that I will still come, even though its late. So he searched in the house, and had kept these to eat with rotis. You probably can feel the sentiments that pinched me, but I appreciated him for finding whatever best was available.


As soon as he saw me bringing the mutton, he was delighted. The happiness that reflects on his face, is quite differentiable.


He wants to eat delicious food only, with maximum of them being non-veg, but he does not want to even walk, which is a problem.


When Mom and me went for the trip, we left him at my home, with all the lovely foods as desired, served by my wife, but not walking as desired. So that left him with swollen feet, due to which I decided to come here and make him walk three times a day. I was thinking that, it will form a habit in him and he will carry on, but unfortunately, his attitude is not changing after three weeks of practice. They don't want to leave this native place and come and live with us, where I can take better care. He does not have the motivation to walk, and someone need to give company and push him. Mom is busy in all other house work and it's because of her the show is still running. We have been trying to find out some care taker, but that's also not happening. So it's kind of a helpless situation, life has put us in.

Not sure, we will even get this far, but certainly life sometimes does not give us much choices except praying God and do our best.


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