You’ve spent years building your business. It started small and grew in leaps and bounds. You added staff, new products, and services. The future looked bright. Speedbumps you met on the road you overcame
The last couple of weeks I have been doing some soul searching. If you’ve read my introductory article, you will recall that my professional development has been less than stellar. And most definitely
The Market’s Only Goal Is To Inflict The Largest Amount Of Pain On The Largest Number Of Participants
Markets traditionally snooze during the summer months of July and August. In Europe, everyone who is anyone in the financial markets leaves for the south of France, Greece or Spain (although this year
One of the key features of the last two and a half years has been rising prices across the globe. It started with the price of financial assets like stock markets and crypto as investors were pushed out
Global financial markets are still adjusting to the last 14 years of extraordinary monetary policies. These extraordinary policies were instigated by the world’s central banks in 2008 to combat the Global
The Bull Goes Up The Stairs. The Bear Goes Out The Window.
At university I studied Economics. It was a Bachelor of Science degree course, meaning it required studying mathematics and statistics. As a result, I have just enough knowledge of both, to be regarded
Dollar Cost Averaging Revisited In an earlier article I looked at the level of risk, defined as volatility, associated with investing in crypto compared to more conventional investments such as equities
Is Crypto Really Riskier Than Traditional Investments?
My Foray Into Conventional Investment Wisdom Reading @hitmeasap’s post on "How Often Should You Buy And Sell Crypto" got me thinking about investment strategies usually employed when buying
Well, I had to. I was fired. Technically, I was early retired. But the result was the same. Why am I telling you all this? In his excellent post, How to make money blogging on Hive, @forexbrokr introduces
Failure is a fascinating topic to study. The question as to why previously successful companies, and successful people for that matter, fail is incredibly insightful. The reasons companies and people succeed