What you don't know about Spinal cord

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves in the back that connects the brain to other parts of the body. It is protected by bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord is part of the central nervous system, which also includes the brain and nerves in other areas of your body.

The spinal cord controls most messages between your brain and your body. It carries messages from your brain to control such things as muscle movement, reflexes, and sensory input from skin, joints, and internal organs. It also carries messages from many parts of your body back to your brain so you can know what they are doing. The spinal cord is a critical part of our life systems that we should take care of it at all times. This article will help you understand what you need to know about this important organ in our bodies!

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that connects the brain with the rest of the body. It runs from the brain to about waist level and is protected by vertebrae. Itcarries messages between the brain and other parts of the body, such as muscles and sensory organs. It also sends messages to your brain about what your body senses, such as touch, heat or pain.
Injury to the spinal cord can cause paralysis or loss of sensation in parts of your body below its level.



The spinal cord is a bundle of nerve fibers that runs from the brain to the rest of the body. It is protected by the vertebrae, which are small bones in your back. The spinal cord sends messages to and from different parts of your body. It also sends messages from your brain to other parts of your body. This includes messages about how you feel and what you see, hear, taste, smell and touch. If there is any damage to the spinal cord, it can lead to paralysis or loss of feeling in certain areas of your body.

The spinal cord is the bundle of nerve tissue that starts at the base of the brain and continues down to the end of the spine. It is a part of your central nervous system. The spinal cord and its connecting nerves form a pathway for messages from your body to your brain, and from your brain to muscles, organs, glands, and other parts of your body. The spinal cord is made up of millions of nerve cells called neurons. These cells send messages to each other through chemical substances called neurotransmitters. The spinal cord also contains many blood vessels that supply it with oxygen and nutrients. The spinal cord ends in two long structures called "spinal nerves." These connect with nerves in all parts of your body so that you can feel what touches you or what happens inside you.

The spinal cord is a long bundle of nerve fibers that runs from the brain stem to the lower end of the spine. It is a part of the central nervous system and helps send messages between your brain and other parts of your body.

It spinal cord is made up of many different parts, including:

  • The anterior or front part, which contains nerve cells that receive information from the brain and send information to muscles;

  • The posterior or back part, which contains nerve cells that receive information from muscles and send it to the brain;

  • The dorsal or back part, which contains nerve cells that carry messages about touch, temperature, pain and position in space;

  • The ventral or front part, which contains nerve cells that carry messages about sensations like pressure and itchiness.



The spinal cord is the center of communication between the brain and the rest of the body. It's made up of nerves that carry messages to and from your brain, telling your arms and legs how to move. The spinal cord is also responsible for sending messages about your body's sensations, like pain or touch, back to your brain. The spinal cord is a long, thin bundle of nerve fibers that carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body. The spinal cord has two parts: The central canal and the surrounding area called the meninges. The meninges are made up of three layers: The dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater. These three layers protect the central canal from injury.

Your spinal cord is a long, delicate nerve that runs from the brain to the rest of your body. It controls messages between the brain and muscles and other parts of the body. If you have an injury to your spinal cord, it can cause paralysis or other disabilities. The spinal cord is a life-saving organ that connects our brains to our bodies. It carries messages back and forth between the brain and our muscles, telling them what to do.

The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that starts at the base of your brain and continues down to the end of your spine. It is responsible for sending messages between your brain and the rest of your body. The spinal cord is made up of nerves that start from the base of your brain and continue all the way down to the end of your spine. It's responsible for sending messages between your brain and the rest of your body. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that starts at the base of your brain and continues down to the end of your spine. It's responsible for sending messages between your brain and the rest of you body, which means it plays an important role in how you move, feel, think, see, hear, taste, smell and sense pain.

(1). https://southfloridabackspineandscoliosis.com/13-surprising-facts-you-didnt-know-about-your-spine/

(2). https://www.genphysio.com.au/surprising-facts-about-the-spinal-cord/

(3). https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/12098-spinal-cord-injury

(4). https://emrochandkilduff.com/four-things-dont-know-spinal-cord-injuries/

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