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Curating the Internet: Science and technology micro-summaries for August 4, 2019

Federal regulators eyeing Amazon cloud storage; A Steem biography of Marie Curie; Correction on Facebook backdoor reporting; Shelter dogs protecting endangered species; IEEE Spectrum's weekly selection of awesome robot videos

Straight from my RSS feed:
Links and micro-summaries from my 1000+ daily headlines. I filter them so you don't have to.


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  1. The US Federal Reserve is now examining Amazon cloud data centers, in what appears to be growing federal oversight of the cloud industry - In the wake of last week's breech announcement by Capital One, the Wall Street Journal is reporting that Federal regulators are taking an interest in the sensitive information that is stored in Amazon's AWS cloud datacenters. The report has not been confirmed by Amazon or by the Federal Reserve.

  2. STEEM Marie Curie 1867-1934 - Your passion can kill you - @giantbear gives a short biography on Marie Curie, the scientist who discovered radium and used it to create mobile X-Ray machines during World War I. According to the article, Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland as Marya Sklodovska, and worked as a governess and private tutor before earning degrees in physics and mathematics and going on to work as a research scientist. (A beneficiary reward of 10% for @giantbear has been assigned to this post.)

  3. More on Backdooring (or Not) WhatsApp - Bruce Schneier issues a correction after the article that I included in Curating the Internet: Science and technology micro-summaries for August 2, 2019. Contrary to earlier reporting (as cited in Facebook Plans on Backdooring WhatsApp) Facebook has now issued public statements to say that they have no plans to inject themselves between WhatsApp users and their encrypted communications.

  4. Shelter Dogs Are Being Trained to Protect Wildlife—by Sniffing Poop - The article reports that dogs are being trained to sniff out scat, or poop, from endangered animals, which lets scientists learn things about the animals such as whether they are pregnant, malnourished, or diseased. They're training in a 4,300 acre Washington forest, and even being used to detect animals, like killer whales, in the ocean. The article describes how this helps scientists to understand more about the endangered species, but it doesn't really describe the protective mechanism.

  5. Video Friday: Kiki Is a New Social Robot Created by Two Ex-Googlers - IEEE Spectrum's weekly selection of awesome robot videos. This week's videos include: A promo video for the DARPA Subterranean Challenge; A timelapse of the robotic arm for NASA's Mars 2020 rover; Two videos of Kiki: A friendly social robot with an evolvoing personality that's currently on kickstarter; A mid-air launch of one Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) from another UAV; A robotic arm that's designed for testing ATM's to make them more reliable, usable, and secure; and others...

    Here is my favorite:

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