Phonography / Phone Photography Contest - 11

This is my entry for the Phonography / Phone Photography hosted by @untilwelearn

Hello everyone good evening wherever you are, how are you tonight? Hope you are fine wherever you are.

I'm back here again and on this occasion I want to show you some beautiful shots of a beautiful butterfly in the weed garden. The butterfly is very small in size, but because it has a super charming appearance, I fell in love with it.

Actually, butterfly like to move from place to place, they only stand in one place for a short time. Which makes me have to be extra patient to photograph it. Even though he likes to move places, it doesn't feel like he has moved, because he doesn't fly long distances. It flew away only about one meter, that's the furthest I saw it.

The butterfly that I met not only has an attractive appearance but the way it flies is much more interesting and also cute. When he flies and there is wind, he is always carried by the wind so he never dares to flap his wings. When he increases the speed to flap his wings, it's not like he can fly forward apart from getting stronger with the wind.

So now let's look at some of the beautiful shots that I managed to capture below👇

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