mostly dogs (10 street photo)

From time to time, you may find at the streets the funniest and weirdest things - like this bag's passenger in a knitted hat with holes for the ears. So touchy!

Afghan hounds - quite aristocratic elite breed. I should note that I saw Russian greyhounds several times, but this breed I see for the first time. The master and her kids organized special photo session for them, which I gladly joined. xD
Pets in a dress are always so touchy! The weather in my city is nasty, especially in autumn and winter, so coats for small pet dogs are a must.


Isnt that love between kidz and best man's friend?


Cat on a walk? Yesss!

Another funny pet, transferred from the shining parquet or barber's shop to the 'wild' natural environment.



This is a post to go with #EcencyDiscord challenge.
This week the prompt 'Pets' was suggested, so here we go.

I dug thru my archive and had a few pleasurable hours searching the photos to select for the blog. A lot of folks around have some pets... but until they are not dogs, its hard to take a photo while on a street walk. But there are exceptions...

My friend @tatdt recently stumbled on the street upon a pig (!) which her master was walking out. Just a few days ago I encountered a duck, and the most unusual part of that encounter were some details: the duck walked along the subway wagon, on a leash, and its master followed with a cardboard and hat, collecting donations to feed her pet! It was truly a bit strange sight. Until now, I'm used to think that ducks don't need money, as they can feed themselves...

Pretty sadly, it was such a sort of sudden and stunning encounter, when one is always unprepared to take any pics. I cant present you any proof photos for this story...

Dogs are the ones who I encounter on the streets most often. Well, sometimes I see cats, and once I saw owl and fitch. Today's blog will be mostly a dog's selection.


location: St.Petersburg, Russia 2022-2023 natural light
camera/lens: Canon 5D Sigma 150mm raw-conv


All images taken by me, copyright (c) @qwerrie
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