To publish every day or not to publish, that is the question

I've always been an idealist, so I think the success we get as writers at HIVE, LeoFinance, and every other platform we use to write on has to come from an effort to create something positive, something truly worthwhile.

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It goes beyond the fact of adding useful content

Certainly, adding value is one of the key points that we must take into account if we want to be successful in HIVE in LeoFinance and in any blogging platform in which we are posting, but beyond that, beyond creating useful content for someone, it's important that we create something that someone cares about, that people like, it's a somekind of magic that we have to achieve.

With this on mind, I am ready to write every time I post something on HIVE and LeoFinance, but many times I consider myself uninspired and simply do not write anything. You will have noticed that many times I do not write any post for days, and I am not one of those who usually write for the sake of writing anything; it's just not my style.

And it's not that I don't want to write anything, it's simply that I don't feel like doing it, and for this reason, I don't write any posts except when I have something that I really consider of value to the general public. Sometimes, obviously, I'm wrong, and my posts don't attract anyone's attention, so they go completely unnoticed; but it is something that happens to everyone. It's just like life itself, as writers we can't expect everything we write to be liked by everyone; but it is important that we strive to create the magic that makes our posts useful, enjoyable, and of value to someone else.

Because each time we do this, we'll become better writers, because we're just not doing things for the sake of doing it, or just making a profit; but because we really believe in what we're doing and are striving to be better writers and better at it everything we do.

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Don't get me wrong: Discipline is important

I do not want what I have said so far in this post to be misunderstood; because the truth is that I greatly respect those who make an effort every day to write a post, even knowing that everything they write is not "pure gold". I mean, I honestly respect to all of those who write everyday.

Because the discipline to push ourselves to write frequently is important, and because if we don't, we can fall into procrastination, which is one of the great evils of our age. So getting into the habit of writing every day is something truly important; and that's why I really do, I mean, I force myself to write something every day, a text or an article, even knowing that what I'm writing it won't be very good and that the subject may not be the best.

Maybe you think that I am talking backwards and forwards, when I say that I do not publish posts every day, but that I write articles every day; but as contradictory as it may sound, it simply isn't. Let me explain, I write articles every day; but not every day I publish posts, because some articles do not come out of my office drawer or my laptop; simply the articles that I consider I have written well, and on a good subject (addressed sufficiently and coherently), are the ones that I end up publishing; Which is to say that only a percentage of the articles I write end up seeing the light of day.

And I know that a lot of people are getting success in HIVE and LeoFinance, just posting nonsense day in and day out, but it's not my style to write for the sake of writing, because writing simply to have the obligation to publish something is not my thing. I'd rather appear lazy, but post things that I know have the magic and utility for someone else, instead than do it for sport.

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And who am I to say all this?

Certainly everyone can do what they want with respect to everything I've said in this post so far, and they will continue to do the same, no matter what I say or don't say here; but all I am expressing is my perspective on the matter of writing daily posts on these platforms.

Because if we can (and we are sure) to add value every day with each article we publish, then go ahead, it's great to publish every day; because the reader will notice it, appreciate it and we will end up being rewarded and having success on these platforms. But if we are not sure that our contents are good, it is not a very good idea to launch them to see if they are successful by chance or if someone really reads them; because I can tell you that here at LeoFinance and HIVE most of the people actually read the articles, and they are not stupid. I mean, people really notice when an article has been written with care, and when it provides quality information.

For the same reason, most readers realize when a post has been written for the sake of it, that is, when it has been written just for the sake of writing it. And those posts can be successful at times, but over time, the author risks being crowded out by people who actually write well and add value.

You may say that there are different tastes and different ways of writing, and it is true, but this should never be an excuse for mediocrity when writing. And you will say that who am I to say all these things with such propriety.

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The truth is that I am a person with discernment and good taste, who likes both to read and write things of quality and value; and I have a broad base of experience to say all this that I say, because in reality I have been writing articles since 2003. So I am not a short-term writer, but I already have 20 years of experience behind me; and I know when an article is written with quality and when it is not.

Over the years, I've learned that the epoch-making posts, the best of the best, are the ones we didn't even think could have been so appreciated; but even those articles must be written in the best possible way by us; and it is important that we always be very critical of our own work, if we want to improve ourselves day by day and have the discernment and good taste to know how to identify what can be useful, valuable and what may or may not please our audience, the audience that reads us.

I believe that all of the above are some of the fundamental things to be successful in HIVE, in LeoFinance in the long term.

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