Splinterlands Art Contest Week 251! // Lobb Lowland


Hello everyone, this week I made this fanart using the same colors of the card, I hope you like it.

Hola a todos, esta semana hice este fanart usando los mismos colores de la carta, espero les guste.



Source: Splinterlands

Lobb Lowland

Lowland gorillas hail from the southern reaches of the Endless Valley in Praetoria’s Great Lowlands. They are highly intelligent, muscle-bound apes and formidable pugilists. It is said that a punch from one will knock your head clean off your shoulders. They are also extremely territorial and will protect their troop and their homes with their lives, although in the past, they usually spent most of their time fighting among themselves to prove their dominance.

But that all changed when Lobb Lowland was born.

Even as an adolescent, he was bigger than most full-grown gorillas. He was smarter, too, and filled with earth magic. He carried himself with pride and an unfamiliar charisma that naturally drew others to his side. He made them feel strong, and he made them feel safe.

One day, while exploring the outskirts of the Endless Jungle, he crossed paths with Brody Hook, who was considered the greatest pugilist in all of the Great Lowlands and remained undefeated in hundreds of battles across the territory. Hidden within the trees, Lobb watched as Brody trained. This continued for several days, the man training and the gorilla watching, until Lobb stepped hesitantly from the jungle’s shadows.

Brody’s eyes widened in fear, and he almost fled, but Lobb lowered his head and raised his palms in the universal gesture of peace. Curious, Brody stood his ground. It took some doing, but eventually, Lobb was able to communicate his desire: to learn to fight like Brody Hook.

In the days henceforth, Lobb returned to train with Brody, not only in the art of bare-knuckle fighting, but also in the common tongue. Lobb learned to speak simple words and phrases. He also surpassed even Brody Hook in his skill as a pugilist. The two became good friends.

In turn, Lobb taught his tribe what he had learned. Most could not master speech, but they all could fight with their fists. Word spread throughout the Endless Jungle of the gorilla who could talk like a man and fight like a tempest. Those that challenged him were quickly put in their place, and apes from other tribes came to join his and swore their loyalty to Lobb Lowland, undisputed King of the Jungle.


First, I start doing the sketch.

Primero, inicio haciendo el boceto.


I add some leaves so it doesn't feel so empty.

Añado algunas hojas para que no se sienta tan vacío


Now, I put the most darker colors as the color base of each part of the character.

Ahora, pungo los colores mas oscuros como el color base de cada parte del personaje.


Then, I distribute the most clearly colors over the base color.

Entonces, distribuyo los colores mas claros sobre el color base.


I repeat the process to give it depth.

Repito el proceso para darle profundidad.


I widen the edges of the drawing with a white layer and another black layer to give it an outline effect.

Ensancho los bordes del dibujo con una capa blanca y otra capa negra para darle un efecto de contorneado.


Then, I add a gradient of two colors.

Entonces añado un degradado de dos colores.


Finally, I copy my draw in another layer and I use a luminic effect over the layer, and its done.

Finalmente, copio mi dibujo en otra capa y uso un efecto luminico sobre la capa, y esta hecho.




Link to the contest


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