Daily monomad challenge // Gaspar (Eng - Esp)

This is my entry for the #monomad challenge đź–¤

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Hi everyone, I hope you're doing well. Today, I want to share some photos of the biggest, chubbiest, and most adorable cat there is—his name is Gaspar (named after the film director), and he belongs to my best friend Daniela. It's been a long time since I last saw her, and taking advantage of our activities, we reunited at her house, where I was able to take some pictures of her beautiful cat.

Hola a todos espero se encuentren muy bien. Hoy les vengo a compartir algunas fotos del gato más grande, gordo y tierno que existe, se llama Gaspar (por el director de cine) y es el gato de mi mejor amiga Daniela, hace mucho tiempo que no me veía con ella y aprovechando las actividades nos reencontramos en su casa y pude tomarle algunas fotos a su hermoso gato.

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Gaspar is a kitten they rescued along with his sister when they were just babies. Fortunately, my friend rescued them from a shelter, and I say "them" because she rescued him along with his sister, who unfortunately is not in the photos.

The idea was to capture some fresh photos, making the cat look as natural as possible, and I think it was achieved. Gaspar just needs a little petting, and he's ready to be at your feet, haha.

Gaspar es un gatito que rescataron junto con su hermana cuando solo eran unos bebés, por fortuna mi amiga los rescato de un refugio y digo “los” porque lo rescató junto con su hermana que desafortunadamente no está en las fotos.

La idea era capturar algunas fotos frescas, que el gato se viera lo más natural posible y creo que se logró, Gaspar solo necesita que tu medio lo acaricies y ya lo tienes rendido a tus pies hahaha.

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If you've made it this far, I want to thank you for reading my post. I send you a big greeting. If you feel like it, leaving a comment, critique, or suggestion about my work would be appreciated for continuous improvement. Until next time!

Si has llegado hasta acá te quiero agradecer por leer mi publicación, te mando un saludo grande. Si te nace no estaría de más dejarme un comentario, crítica o sugerencia sobre mi trabajo para cada día mejorar. ¡Hasta la próxima!

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