Splinterlands Art Contest | Bila the Radiant

Hello everyone, I hope you're having an amazing week. I feel great and my week is going quite well, the pain on my neck and lower back is gone, what a relief!! Its week 255 of the @splinterlands art contest and this is my submission post.

bila the light.png

For this week I chose to recreate Bila the Radiant, I love her pose and the colours, I haven't worked with warm tones in a while too. I've done a fanart of this card before and if I remember correctly, it was a portrait so here's a fuller one in my style.
Bila the Radiant.png


I already had a pose in mind and this made the process easy, I knew it would be challenging but rewarding if it comes out good. I lightly sketched the outline of her pose and features using red colour which served as a guideline then I chose a pallete of warm colours. I started the painting by adding base colours to her skin, hair, accessories and clothes. I painted her facial features using a little bit of red on her lips and a warmer colour to give life to her eyes.
To build the skin tone, I added shadows and highlights where necessary and used lighter shades to indicate areas hit by light. I then used various shades of orange and yellow to add highlights to her hair and also define the strands.




I chose white as the flat colour for her clothing which I really liked, I then painted the details and added some warmth to complement her skin, I also did the same for her accessories but with more orange and yellow tones. I added finer details to her face like the yellow lashes and also used small brushstrokes on some areas for texture and depth. I added the magic glowing ball, painted some glow around it and added its long trail down her back....

I took a little step back to access the whole painting, flipped my canvas a few times to make adjustments where necessary and also make sure the composition is on point. Finally, I fine-tuned the painting by adding some shine to her face, hints of light on the jewellery and little speckles and light to her skin. I painted a simple background and was really satisfied with the overall look...




bila the light.png

Tools Used
Adobe Photoshop cc2019
Huion drawing tablet and pen


Thanks for visiting my blog, have an amazing day/night...

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