Love on a Wire — Entry for Feathered Friends — Show Me A Photo Contest Round 137; "Corvids"

We have quite a large "extended family group" of crows in our neighborhood. Our crows are all-black Northwestern Crows (Corvus caurinus), and they are a noisy and often curious bunch, and we often have at least one nesting pair in the tall cedars by the house.

It's fascinating to watch their behaviors, and we tend to get a really good view from our back terrace. The following are the best of a sequence of photos shot one evening, a while back.

This is also my entry for the Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 137 challenge organized by @nelinoeva in the Feathered Friends Community.

All photos by @labyrinths

This is actually near the last of the following sequence, but I liked it the most, so it counts as the "official" entry!

This week's theme is "Corvids," so that's why I chose this particular sequence of bird photos!

I'm pretty sure this is one of our mating pairs; the larger crow is the male. It actually started with my taking his picture, as he arrived in one of our spruce trees. She was already sitting on the wire by the street.

A fine bird, surveying his world!

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Then he spots her, down on the wire below!

He lands with an impact that send the wire swaying, but she pretends not to notice... and he studiously looks the other way...

He moves closer, still pretending not to have noticed her...

Getting even CLOSER, but still looking the other way. Meanwhile, she still ignores him...

And then... "Look what I can do!" Not sure if that's part of a courtship move, or he's just scratching his neck on the wire. It was unexpected, though!

And then he finally lets himself be known! She doesn't look entirely impressed with the preceding antics!

Regardless, preening begins, which is part of how the pairs bond.

The top photo is actually the last in the sequence — a large truck came around the corner and they flew off to some other spot.

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

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All images are our own, unless otherwise credited!

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