Visit Wat Huai Hom, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Lanna style temple.)

Hello everyone.šŸ˜Š How are you today? This post, I would like to share another temple that is unique in the northern part of Thailand or unique in the Lanna art style. Most temples in northern Thailand have a unique identity that is different from temples in the central region. Both building and decorating architectural patterns and some sculptures. And the temple I shared in this post, this temple is another small rural temple in Chiang Mai that has a unique Lanna style architecture. This temple is called Wat Huai Hom. My wife and I visited this temple last month. Even though this temple is in our district. But we have just been to this temple for the first time. This trip, we spent our free time visiting temples near our house in the district. And this temple is the last temple of the trip that day.

Brief information about Wat Huai Hom.
Wat Huai Hom is a small common monastery in a rural community. This temple is in Huai Hom Village, Mae Ngon Subdistrict, Fang District. I'm not sure when the temple was built. But this temple was allowed to be established as a temple in AD 1939 or 85 years ago. And the temple just received royal granting of the land to a particular temple by announcing in royal decree in AD 2019 or 5 years ago.

Our journey to Wat Huai Hom.
This temple is about 9 kilometers from my house. I had to drive on a rural road. The atmosphere of traveling on rural roads. We see villages, farms, temples and nature. Of course we enjoyed the view before reaching the temple.

Some views of this trip.

When we arrive at the temple, we will see the temple sign first. This temple sign is a cement sign with a beautiful pattern.

The architectures and sculptures of the temple.
Most temples in the rural have only one buddha image hall (viharn). But the power of faith of buddhists in the community, So this temple has many buddha image halls (viharn). Both the completed buddha image hall (viharn) and the buddha image hall (viharn) that is now being built. These buddha image hall (viharn) are built from bricks plastered with cement and decorated in the Lanna art style. And all buddha image hall (viharn) are close to each other. This time I was not comfortable taking pictures of each buddha image hall (viharn). Because some buddha image halls (viharn) are under construction. But if all these buddha image halls (viharn) are completed. My wife and I will visit this temple again. And share these buddha image halls (viharn) when they are completed.

All buddha image halls (viharn) in Wat Huai Hom.

The ordination hall (ubosot) of temple is another highlight that we like and are fascinated by this temple. This is a ordination hall (ubosot) built and decorated in original Lanna art style that looks clear unique and outstanding in Lanna style. Two serpent statues on the railing too. Looks unique and different. I admire the beauty of this ordination hall (ubosot).

The temple's pagoda is under construction as well. I think this pagoda is square shaped.

Many statues in the temple.
Inside Wat Huai Hom, there are many buddha statues and statues of monks. All the statues are outdoors. We can walk around and see these statues. And now some buddha statues are being built.

Other areas in the temple are section containing the monks' living quarters, which I did not photograph. My wife and I plan that around the late year, we will visit this temple. And I will share the architecture and sculpture of this temple again.
These are the stories and photos of Wat Huai Hom I want to share for this post. Invite everyone to see and enjoy my stories and photos. Have a great day. See you next time. Thank you for your support and visiting my post. Bye šŸ¤—

šŸŒ Wat Huai Hom is located at Ban Huai Hom, Mae Ngon Subdistrict, Fang District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.

šŸ“· Take photo By Smartphone Xiaomi Note 11 Pro

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