POBphotocontest New Round: Old My Entry

Hello everybody,

When I read about this Round, my first idea was to blog about my hubby who is 72 yrs old. I, then, asked his permission. "Can I blog about you?" He replied, "why me? What is your purpose?" I answered, "because you are an old thing! ahahaha." "Crazy Woman!", he told me."you are also an old thing, we are both , old thing." "No, you are 5yrs older than me, so, you are older than me," We both laugh. Hubby, said, ""do not blog about me, just find old things here in the house or search your phone gallery."
He is right no need to picture, instead, I scrolled my gallery. Bingo! I find my subject. These were the century old acacia trees or roadside trees along the national highway in Barangay Perrelos here in our City of Carcar known as the Heritage Town of Cebu.




These are 100 yrs old trees and conservation practices towards the roadside trees included pruning, no burning near the trees and making of diversion roads, all adhering with existing environmental laws of the country.

Anyone traveling to southern Cebu province will never miss passing under humongous acacia trees on both sides of the two-lane national highway of Barangay Perrelos, Carcar City. The magnificent canopy trees and their ageless beauty have been the subject of social media commentary, as well as travel photography.-source: inquirer.net

Thank you as always @friendlymoose for this awesome round

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