Splinterlands Third Season of Glint, Merits and SPS

The Splinterlands season ended earlier this week so I want to review my rewards and check up on some things in the game. I have moved to Wild League after the changes to Glint rewards and I have been liking it there. I didn't play as much but I still managed to end in Champion league like last season.

Season Rewards

The new system rewards the same number of glint but some of it was given to the battle rewards. I ended up in Champion III (3,800) and I got 38k Glint as a season reward. I forgot to take a screenshot and I don't think I can pull up the rewards either. So I will have to remember that for next time.

Gwen's Glint Shop

They removed the random pulls we had before and it's now loot chests. You can read more about it here but it looks like people weren't buying out the random pulls. I would have preferred random draws because I wanted to keep getting cards but I guess I can't do anything about it. There is a low chance of a jackpot pull though and I decided to just test things out. The image was from the post linked above.

This was the result of the Ultimate Chests that cost 2,500 Glint each and it looks like I managed to hit the jackpot. So with that, I was able to get a PLOT token.

This was the result of 10 major chests and it looks decent with the rare cards.

This was the result of my 10 minor chests and I have to say that it was disappointing. I didn't get a single card here.

One thing to note is that the energy overfills and you have more than 50 energy in your stash.

Gladius Packs

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I have been able to collect 6 packs since the last time I opened packs. I think the new chests did add a few packs because I was able to collect quite a bit of merit.

I was able to upgrade Isgald Vorst to level 5. This card has bloodlust and opportunity. The upgrade added a melee attack so this card will be more powerful.

I was able to upgrade Chimney Wallstop to level 5. This card has bloodlust and reach. Upgrading it to level 5 also added the repair ability. This makes it far more useful in matches.

I was able to upgrade Katrelba Gobson to level 5. This card has bloodlust, sneak, and double strike. The level did add the snare ability to this card. I don't think it might be too useful but it's nice if there is a flying monster up there.


My SPS rewards were lower all around. I think it's because I played fewer ranked battles last season.

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My pool reward for the season is 88.305 SPS. I plan on staking all of this along with all of my staking rewards for a total of 221.681 SPS. The total SPS was around what I usually expected. I stacked up the VOUCHERS and I did not sell during the wagons earlier this month. So I plan on stacking them for now and waiting for a new opportunity in the future.


I don't like the new chests system as I prefer the random pulls, but I was lucky to get a jackpot. So I guess I can't complain and the extra merits also meant more gladius cards as well. Besides that, not much has changed.

Feel free to leave a comment if you read my post. If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.

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