The Ghostly Affair: When Spirits Make Their Presence Known

Image by Syaibatul Hamdi from Pixabay

One thing I loved in my childhood was all those stories I heard from the elders of the house about ghosts and all those other fantasies.

They were scary and even after all these years I'd listen to someone telling me stories about ghosts with the same attention as before and even when we're in a gathering and it's late night we used to have "tell us your interaction with ghost or some story you got to tell" and than the lights are off.

Everyone stay calm, heartbeat rate increasing and story ain't even started yet.

The time when my Aunt was exposed to Ghosts

I have this blurry memory in my head like I was little back when my aunt who's like eldest one in family used to be in control of this one "ghost".

That ghost was like something evil because it was hurting her badly and later we found out it was black magic.

Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

I was traumatized when I saw her condition laying on floor and she acting like someone is breaking her bones and she's losing her control completely.

Her voice used to change completely and after more than 15 years I still remember that incident in my mind.

Now she have no such ghost issue, somehow got rid of them and living a better, happy life.

The Ghost that will fall in your love

I've heard this story from a lot of people in my country but I didn't believed a single one until I saw someone myself.

So, I have this cousin who had night shifts at work and everyday walk from graveyard and he had this perfume on him.

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

This one ghost who's girl literally fell in love with him and when his marriage date was fixed with someone he loves.. it got worse, that ghost used to say "I won't let him live happy with her, he's mine" like thing when he was like not in his senses.

I still can't believe a ghost can fall in love with someone but why would he act that way and such top tier acting ain't even in hollywood. So, it was definitely real and I believe my eyes.

this fear of graveyard

After this incident, I was more careful living next to graveyard in my hometown especially at nights I was like I'm not going close to it no matter what.

Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

There's more than one reason to be scared of graveyard and it's also death. Something every human fears and have to taste it.

Also it reminds me off people I've lost and all those moments spent with them. that's many of reasons I fear being around graveyard.

Wrapping Up...

In the end some people believe there's no such thing as ghost while some of us have seen someone Infront of us in possession and that makes it real enough to consider it exists and live around us.

Let me know if you do believe ghosts exist in reality or it's just a fantasy? I hope you liked this and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 09/05/2024.

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