When I was in nursery school, I was taught a very beautiful poem which I never really got the meaning well then because I was still little but I loved the rhythm of the poem. The poem was all about learning how to say sorry, whether or not you are wrong. Today I will be writing on how learning to say sorry can foster unity among us. We all know that at some point in our lives we might have done something wrong to someone and vice versa, so we are just bound to apologize when we know we are wrong.


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Sometimes we are not sure when to say sorry even when we know we were wrong. Most times when we offend anyone, we sometimes don't see any reason for saying sorry because we assume that the person is not angry. There are some people that hardly get angry at us for some things we do to them but that doesn't mean when we do something wrong to them, we should just assume that since they are no longer angry, there is no need to say sorry because there is.
Saying the word sorry is one easy way to bring about unity among people and it is only right to say sorry when we know we offend someone or when there is a disagreement between us and someone else who doesn't want to agree with us even when it's obvious we are right and they are wrong. We just have to learn how to say sorry first when the next person refuses to do so though it's very obvious they are the ones that are wrong.


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I once had an experience some years ago, when I had a disagreement with a friend and before I realized what was happening we were already not talking to each other. I was not sure how it all happened but it did and I noticed he started treating me harshly like I was never his friend before. I was very unhappy with the new development because I felt like an enemy to him and I don't like that at all, especially the part when he treated me like a nobody.
It was already one week and my friend has refused to talk to me even when I tried to reach out to him and at this point I knew I had to do something about the situation because I'm not used to having any disagreement with someone for that long, it hurts me a lot. I had to look for a way to make him talk to me and when I finally got that one opportunity, I made use of it by saying sorry to him if I had offended him and surprisingly he also apologized and we became friends again. Ever since then I was very conscious when I have a disagreement with anyone to know when to apologize before it gets out of hand.


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If we ever want to live in unity among people, we will have to learn how to say sorry to them even when we are not at fault. Most times we find it embarrassing to say sorry to those we offend because we think it makes us inferior to them but hey, that not true at all, in fact it makes us earn their respect. Saying sorry to someone who offended us sounds like stupidity to so many of us but then when we think of it's effect, we just have to say sorry, after all it's not going to take anything away from us except of course our too much ego.
I find it very difficult to say that five letter word SORRY but when I do, I notice how it brings me joy and peace especially if the person I'm apologizing to also reciprocate it back by accepting my apology. Those five letters are really magical and saying them at the appropriate time will foster unity among ourselves as humans, starting from our homes and to the world.
When we know we offend someone or they offend us, we should swallow our ego and just apologize to them immediately to avoid the situation going out of control because we might never get the chance to set things right. This is a little something I have for you today and I really do hope you were able to relate well with it.

What do you think, should we say sorry even when we are not wrong?
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