The museum of 1,000 plates, Suchitoto. El Salvador

So, with an hour or so to kill, what better than to visit a museum.

"Seriously? You hate museums"
"I know but stick with me"


Completely off the wall (excuse the pun if you will), this was one wacky, and memorable museum. and only $3 to enter. bargain.

Welcome to "The museum of 1,000 plates and more"



I love clowns, anything clownish is up there with skulls and zombies.


Why are some folk scared of clowns? beats me. Ronald Mc'Donald, I'm loving it.



The place is privately owned and run by ex-pats from California, most of what I saw looks proper Americana though there are collections as you will see from all over the flat earth.











Amongst the plates a few interesting charchters, with messages, most of which I can easily relate to.....


....go on be honest I bet you can too!




A lot of plates with a Hollywood theme in particular


Let's go for a walk, I'll accompany you

Faces not to forget, even in this gorgeous place, a poignant reminder of the recent civil war. "Dates not to forget in the month of November,
People fallen, missing and murdered during the armed conflict. El Salvador, 1972-1996."

The area around Suchitoto was, and still is a centre for anti-govt. Pro. FMLN. Some of the earliest FMLN training camps and bases were in operation in the area.





All very kitsch all very bizarre, but what a wonderful colourful enjoyable museum.

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Thanks for visiting my page, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. this is Stephen aka, @grindle, happily retired, travelling the world snapping away. My weapon of choice is currently a Nikon Z6(2). Unless stated all images are shot by me, all text is mine based on various info sources. NOT AI generated. If you like my blog, it would be very much appreciated if you upvote and follow me. Also, please feel free to drop a comment.


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