SMAP 161 - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 161.

Hello bird lovers. Welcome to Round 161 of the Show Me A Photo Contest hosted by @nelinoeva. The cotest post can be found here.

The theme for this week is:


As I mentioned in my last week's SMAP entry post, I am not an expert in determining a bird's gender. Except for a few, like the Olive back Sunbird and the rooster and hen, I am utterly stumped. This week's theme isn't making it any easier. But I always enjoy a good challenge so I resolved to try to learn how to differentiate a bird's gender, more specifically with the kind that fly around our home - the sparrow.

These small flitting birds are so difficult to photograph let alone capture the characteristics that determine their gender. But based on my research I found out that male sparrows are more brightly colored than females. They have white colored chests while the females are brownish. The males have mottled chestnut and black backs while the females have mottled brown and black backs. Finally, males have black bibs and white cheeks while the females just have plain brown cheeks. Overall, the female sparrows have a duller color than their male counterparts.



Below is a male sparrow which you can use as reference for comparing the male and female sparrow.


I just wish I had more and clearer photos of the female sparrow but it seems they're much more difficult to find than the opposite sex. The first photo is the best I captured and is my entry to this Round.

That's all folks. Hope everyone's having a blessed weekend. Stay safe and healthy.

(All photos are mine. )

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