Testing Some New Functionality For Hive Engine Games (Rising Star shopping for now)

If you've spoken to me much personally, you'll know that I don't care for whining. Sure things suck sometimes and we need to vent or get some help, but there are ways to rant and ways to ask for help. Whining is just complaining because you think you're owed something. Bleah

"Idea men" also drive me crazy. Like having ideas is some kind of talent and there are plenty of engineers and laborers around just waiting for someone to have an idea 😂 If someone really has an idea, they'll work on implementing it. If they can't figure out how to implement it, then they don't really have an idea - they just want someone (not them) to do stuff

So when I get irritated at needing three minutes for a dapp to load my nft collection, or sit there thinking "wtf, we expect people to use this?" while I wait 20 seconds for a market to load, I can't bring myself to whine too much hahaha. I can't work on things as often as I'd like or set deadlines for myself, but I can still engineer and work on things when I am able. If someone else wants to do better faster, then it will be a happy time indeed. Meanwhile, I've designed and begun work on libraries and infrastructure to enable much better experiences around Hive dapps and markets. The details of that will be saved for the programming nerds - you all get to use some of the testing sites

Most markets do not delve into the card properties much, and the ones that do require first drilling down to a specific card name. A better shopping experience would let us find cards based on their stats, hint at what the important stats are, be fast to load, and make it very easy to buy those cards


Here is a simple site - like very simple. It doesn't have any styling, branding or images, and it isn't reactive (yet, hopefully in the next couple of weeks). But you know what it does do for Rising Star players?

  • finds the cheapest fans on the market and let's you buy them in bulk
  • finds the cheapest luck by lesson type on the market and lets you buy it in bulk
  • finds the cheapest skill on the market and let's you buy it in bulk
  • shows a sane transfer and market history (there are some glitches here that will be fixed soon)
  • is pretty fast


Here's the link if you'd like to participate in testing it out: https://rsglikeafox-awzjsbfoyq-uk.a.run.app/shop/fans

New features are added as I'm able. Eventually, many of these things will probably find their way into NFTMart but you can start your Rising Star domination today and get an idea of where I think things should be going (at least functionally, obviously they should be much prettier than the testing site currently is 😅 )

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