Half Ton Bird Feed, Hay, Coconut - Thursday

It's been quite warm for the time of year these past days and it has been a bit unnerving since this generally means a big change is coming. Next week the forecast is for snow so it look like winter is trying to barge in.

I have decided that for this month I am committing to 1250 words per day on my writing which is about 500 less than last month. It keeps me writing daily and progressing the story line but allows me more time fore other things.


After taking J to school and before the Man U match against Arsenal R and I headed north to Kaniksu feed to pickup our tote of bird feed. I had thought I had ordered a ton but I got a half ton, which in the grand scheme is probably for the best. A 1000 pounds of feed will easily get me through the winter.


The feed is gorgeous and it is all gmo free. I truly love having such a quality feed available for my birds.


I used a 3 gallon icing bucket to scoop the entire tote out into 50 gallon barrels that sit in the coop. It took 3 barrels and a part of a trash can to empty the tote. This will easily get me through the next 4-5 months.


Once all the bird feed was dealt with I rolled a new bale of hay into the sheep pen. I eyed up their overhang and think I can get it setup a good bit better before the snow hits next week.


We have had a coconut in the fridge for a while since J had demanded one. It sat there until tonight when we finally took the time to break into it. While it is no Fort Knox it is a tough nut to crack.


You can see I used the claw hammer to work at the outer shell to strip it to expose the hard inner nut.


The coconut water has to come out, right?


While small it still held a nice amount of meat inside. Not the thickness of the fully matured coconuts but what can you expect when you are thousands of miles/kilometers from the nearest native tree.


After draining the coconut then breaking the coconut open I was able to use a knife to cut the meat from the shell. The boys were enthralled by the process and the flavor of the treat I was working on.



Our bounty, though small, is mighty tasty. A good bit of this has been eaten but the rest is on a tray and in the toaster oven trying to toast GENTLY. I will know more in the morning.


I have to keep on my writing, J has school early but before that I will be in town picking up grain at the new location which required a good bit of reconnaissance yesterday on maps. The sheep will be happy especially with a new bale and fresh grain. I want to get a couple thousand words on my story and I need to make a TON of kahlua.

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Fleming Family Farm
Sustainable & Organic Methods | Heirloom Produce
All images are original works of Fleming Family Farm unless otherwise notated and credited.

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